Luis A. Apiolaza
Luis A. Apiolaza
Associate Professor Tree Breeding and Genetics, University of Canterbury
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Heritability and fitness‐related consequences of squid personality traits
DL Sinn, LA Apiolaza, NA Moltschaniwskyj
Journal of evolutionary biology 19 (5), 1437-1447, 2006
Exploration of the Eucalyptus globulus gene pool
B Potts, R Vaillancourt, GJ Jordan, GW Dutkowski, J Da Costa e Silva, ...
University of Tasmania, 2004
Non-destructive evaluation techniques and what they tell us about wood property variation
L Schimleck, J Dahlen, LA Apiolaza, G Downes, G Emms, R Evans, ...
Forests 10 (9), 728, 2019
Genetic variation of physical and chemical wood properties of Eucalyptus globulus
LA Apiolaza, CA Raymond, BJ Yeo
Silvae genetica 54 (4-5), 160-165, 2005
Very early selection for solid wood quality: screening for early winners
LA Apiolaza
Annals of Forest Science 66 (6), 1-10, 2009
Maternal and carryover effects on early growth of Eucalyptus globulus
GA Lopez, BM Potts, RE Vaillancourt, LA Apiolaza
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33 (11), 2108-2115, 2003
Genetic variation and inter-trait correlations in Eucalyptus globulus base population trials in Argentina
GA Lopez, B Potts, GW Dutkowski, LA Apiolaza, PE Gelid
University of Tasmania, 2002
Genetic control of coppice and lignotuber development in Eucalyptus globulus
SP Whittock, LA Apiolaza, CM Kelly, BM Potts
Australian journal of botany 51 (1), 57-67, 2003
Variance modelling of longitudinal height data from a Pinus radiata progeny test
LA Apiolaza, AR Gilmour, DJ Garrick
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (4), 645-654, 2000
A cash flow model to compare coppice and genetically improved seedling options for Eucalyptus globulus pulpwood plantations
SP Whittock, BL Greaves, LA Apiolaza
Forest Ecology and Management 191 (1-3), 267-274, 2004
Redevelopment and the urban forest: A study of tree removal and retention during demolition activities
J Morgenroth, J O'Neil-Dunne, LA Apiolaza
Applied Geography 82, 1-10, 2017
Effect of stocking on juvenile wood stiffness for three Eucalyptus species
E Warren, RGB Smith, LA Apiolaza, JCF Walker
New Forests 37, 241-250, 2009
Analysis of longitudinal data from progeny tests: some multivariate approaches
LA Apiolaza, DJ Garrick
Forest science 47 (2), 129-140, 2001
Basic density of radiata pine in New Zealand: genetic and environmental factors
LA Apiolaza
Tree Genetics & Genomes 8 (1), 87-96, 2012
Incorporating wood quality and deployment traits in Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens
CA Raymond, LA Apiolaza
Plantation forest biotechnology for the 21st Century 5, 87-89, 2004
Genetic variation in heartwood properties and growth traits of Eucalyptus bosistoana
Y Li, LA Apiolaza, C Altaner
European journal of forest research 137, 565-572, 2018
Methods for the very early selection of Pinus radiata D. Don. for solid wood products
SS Chauhan, M Sharma, J Thomas, LA Apiolaza, DA Collings, ...
Annals of Forest Science 70, 439-449, 2013
Genetic evaluation of micronutrient traits in diploid potato from a base population of Andean Landrace Cultivars
M Paget, W Amoros, E Salas, R Eyzaguirre, P Alspach, L Apiolaza, ...
Crop Science 54 (5), 1949-1959, 2014
Breeding objectives for three silvicultural regimes of radiata pine
LA Apiolaza, DJ Garrick
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (4), 654-662, 2001
Genetic control of very early compression and opposite wood in Pinus radiata and its implications for selection
LA Apiolaza, SS Chauhan, JCF Walker
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7, 563-571, 2011
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Articles 1–20