Paul Baxter
Cited by
Cited by
Multimodal child-robot interaction: Building social bonds
T Belpaeme, P Baxter, R Read, R Wood, H Cuayáhuitl, B Kiefer, ...
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 1 (2), 33-53, 2012
The robot who tried too hard: Social behaviour of a robot tutor can negatively affect child learning
J Kennedy, P Baxter, T Belpaeme
Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM/IEEE international conference on human …, 2015
Robot education peers in a situated primary school study: Personalisation promotes child learning
P Baxter, E Ashurst, R Read, J Kennedy, T Belpaeme
PloS one 12 (5), e0178126, 2017
Social robot tutoring for child second language learning
J Kennedy, P Baxter, E Senft, T Belpaeme
2016 11th ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction (HRI …, 2016
Child-robot interaction: Perspectives and challenges
T Belpaeme, P Baxter, J De Greeff, J Kennedy, R Read, R Looije, ...
Social Robotics: 5th International Conference, ICSR 2013, Bristol, UK …, 2013
Comparing robot embodiments in a guided discovery learning interaction with children
J Kennedy, P Baxter, T Belpaeme
International Journal of Social Robotics 7, 293-308, 2015
From characterising three years of HRI to methodology and reporting recommendations
P Baxter, J Kennedy, E Senft, S Lemaignan, T Belpaeme
2016 11th acm/ieee international conference on human-robot interaction (hri …, 2016
How to build a supervised autonomous system for robot-enhanced therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder
PG Esteban, P Baxter, T Belpaeme, E Billing, H Cai, HL Cao, ...
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 8 (1), 18-38, 2017
A review of long-term memory in natural and synthetic systems
R Wood, P Baxter, T Belpaeme
Adaptive Behavior 20 (2), 81-103, 2012
Child-robot interaction in the wild: advice to the aspiring experimenter
R Ros, M Nalin, R Wood, P Baxter, R Looije, Y Demiris, T Belpaeme, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on multimodal interfaces …, 2011
Towards Long-Term Social Child-Robot Interaction: Using Multi-Activity Switching to Engage Young Users
A Coninx, P Baxter, E Oleari, S Bellini, B Bierman, OB Henkemans, ...
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5 (1), 32-67, 2016
L2TOR-second language tutoring using social robots
T Belpaeme, J Kennedy, P Baxter, P Vogt, EEJ Krahmer, S Kopp, ...
Proceedings of the ICSR 2015 WONDER Workshop, 2015
Robot-enhanced therapy: Development and validation of supervised autonomous robotic system for autism spectrum disorders therapy
HL Cao, PG Esteban, M Bartlett, P Baxter, T Belpaeme, E Billing, H Cai, ...
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 26 (2), 49-58, 2019
Long-term human-robot interaction with young users
P Baxter, T Belpaeme, L Canamero, P Cosi, Y Demiris, V Enescu, A Hiolle, ...
IEEE/ACM human-robot interaction 2011 conference (robots with children …, 2011
Higher nonverbal immediacy leads to greater learning gains in child-robot tutoring interactions
J Kennedy, P Baxter, E Senft, T Belpaeme
Social Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015, Paris, France …, 2015
A touchscreen-based'sandtray'to facilitate, mediate and contextualise human-robot social interaction
P Baxter, R Wood, T Belpaeme
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Nonverbal immediacy as a characterisation of social behaviour for human–robot interaction
J Kennedy, P Baxter, T Belpaeme
International Journal of Social Robotics 9, 109-128, 2017
Heart vs hard drive: children learn more from a human tutor than a social robot
J Kennedy, P Baxter, E Senft, T Belpaeme
2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016
Lindsey the tour guide robot-usage patterns in a museum long-term deployment
F Del Duchetto, P Baxter, M Hanheide
2019 28th IEEE international conference on robot and human interactive …, 2019
Supervised autonomy for online learning in human-robot interaction
E Senft, P Baxter, J Kennedy, S Lemaignan, T Belpaeme
Pattern Recognition Letters 99, 77-86, 2017
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Articles 1–20