Valdas Noreika
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Cited by
Timing deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Evidence from neurocognitive and neuroimaging studies
V Noreika, CM Falter, K Rubia
Neuropsychologia 51 (2), 235-266, 2013
Expectation and attention in hierarchical auditory prediction
S Chennu, V Noreika, D Gueorguiev, A Blenkmann, S Kochen, A Ibáñez, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (27), 11194-11205, 2013
Spectral signatures of reorganised brain networks in disorders of consciousness
S Chennu, P Finoia, E Kamau, J Allanson, GB Williams, MM Monti, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (10), e1003887, 2014
Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey
A Lieberoth, SY Lin, S Stöckli, H Han, M Kowal, R Gelpi, S Chrona, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (2), 200589, 2021
Auditory feedback differentially modulates behavioral and neural markers of objective and subjective performance when tapping to your heartbeat
A Canales-Johnson, C Silva, D Huepe, Á Rivera-Rei, V Noreika, ...
Cerebral Cortex 25 (11), 4490-4503, 2015
COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
Y Yamada, DB Ćepulić, T Coll-Martín, S Debove, G Gautreau, H Han, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 1-23, 2021
Parental neural responsivity to infants’ visual attention: How mature brains influence immature brains during social interaction
SV Wass, V Noreika, S Georgieva, K Clackson, L Brightman, R Nutbrown, ...
PLOS Biology 16 (12), e2006328, 2018
Emotional valence modulates the topology of the parent-infant inter-brain network
L Santamaria, V Noreika, S Georgieva, K Clackson, S Wass, V Leong
NeuroImage 207, 116341, 2020
Silent Expectations: Dynamic Causal Modeling of Cortical Prediction and Attention to Sounds That Weren't
S Chennu, V Noreika, D Gueorguiev, Y Shtyrov, TA Bekinschtein, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (32), 8305-8316, 2016
More consistent, yet less sensitive: interval timing in autism spectrum disorders
CM Falter, V Noreika, JH Wearden, AJ Bailey
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 65 (11), 2093-2107, 2012
How to integrate dreaming into a general theory of consciousness—a critical review of existing positions and suggestions for future research
JM Windt, V Noreika
Consciousness and cognition 20 (4), 1091-1107, 2011
14 challenges and their solutions for conducting social neuroscience and longitudinal EEG research with infants
V Noreika, S Georgieva, S Wass, V Leong
Infant Behavior and Development 58, 101393, 2020
New perspectives for the study of lucid dreaming: From brain stimulation to philosophical theories of self-consciousness
V Noreika, JM Windt, B Lenggenhager, AA Karim
International Journal of Dream Research 3 (1), 36-45, 2010
Consciousness lost and found: Subjective experiences in an unresponsive state
V Noreika, L Jylhänkangas, L Móró, K Valli, K Kaskinoro, R Aantaa, ...
Brain and cognition 77 (3), 327-334, 2011
Early-night serial awakenings as a new paradigm for studies on NREM dreaming
V Noreika, K Valli, H Lahtela, A Revonsuo
International Journal of Psychophysiology 74 (1), 14-18, 2009
EEG Frontal Alpha Asymmetry and Dream Affect: Alpha Oscillations over the Right Frontal Cortex during REM Sleep and Presleep Wakefulness Predict Anger in REM Sleep Dreams
P Sikka, A Revonsuo, V Noreika, K Valli
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (24), 4775-4784, 2019
Is there a generalized timing impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorders across time scales and paradigms?
S Isaksson, S Salomäki, J Tuominen, V Arstila, CM Falter-Wagner, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 99, 111-121, 2018
Interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes in the perception of ambiguous figures
M Intaitė, V Noreika, A Šoliūnas, CM Falter
Vision research 89, 24-31, 2013
Is selective primary visual cortex stimulation achievable with TMS?
N Salminen‐Vaparanta, V Noreika, A Revonsuo, M Koivisto, S Vanni
Human Brain Mapping, 2011
Alertness fluctuations when performing a task modulate cortical evoked responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation
V Noreika, MR Kamke, A Canales-Johnson, S Chennu, TA Bekinschtein, ...
NeuroImage, 117305, 2020
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Articles 1–20