Serge Demidenko
Serge Demidenko
School of Engineering and Technology, Sunway University, MY
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Multi-layer blockchain-based security architecture for internet of things
H Honar Pajooh, M Rashid, F Alam, S Demidenko
Sensors 21 (3), 772, 2021
Hyperledger fabric blockchain for securing the edge internet of things
H Honar Pajooh, M Rashid, F Alam, S Demidenko
Sensors 21 (2), 359, 2021
Master–slave control of a teleoperated anthropomorphic robotic arm with gripping force sensing
GS Gupta, SC Mukhopadhyay, CH Messom, SN Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55 (6), 2136-2145, 2006
Generation and application of pseudorandom sequences for random testing
VN Yarmolik, SN Demidenko
Wiley, 1988
A low-cost sensing system for quality monitoring of dairy products
SC Mukhopadhyay, CP Gooneratne, GS Gupta, SN Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55 (4), 1331-1338, 2006
Multivariate alternating decision trees
HK Sok, MPL Ooi, YC Kuang, S Demidenko
Pattern Recognition 50, 195-209, 2016
Eye tracking system to detect driver drowsiness
TP Nguyen, MT Chew, S Demidenko
2015 6th International conference on automation, robotics and applications …, 2015
Defect cluster recognition system for fabricated semiconductor wafers
MPL Ooi, HK Sok, YC Kuang, S Demidenko, C Chan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (3), 1029-1043, 2013
Saxophone reed inspection employing planar electromagnetic sensors
SC Mukhopadhyay, GS Gupta, JD Woolley, SN Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 56 (6), 2492-2503, 2007
Генерирование и применение псевдослучайных последовательностей в системах испытаний и контроля
ВН Ярмолик, СН Демиденко
Наука и техника, 1986
Reducing burn-in time through high-voltage stress test and Weibull statistical analysis
MF Zakaria, ZA Kassim, MPL Ooi, S Demidenko
IEEE Design & Test of computers 23 (2), 88-98, 2006
IoT Big Data provenance scheme using blockchain on Hadoop ecosystem
H Honar Pajooh, MA Rashid, F Alam, S Demidenko
Journal of Big Data 8, 1-26, 2021
Wireless sensor network for selective activity monitoring in a home for the elderly
GS Gupta, SC Mukhopadhyay, M Sutherland, S Demidenko
2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007, 1-6, 2007
FieldLight: Device-free indoor human localization using passive visible light positioning and artificial potential fields
D Konings, N Faulkner, F Alam, EMK Lai, S Demidenko
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (2), 1054-1066, 2019
Getting more from the semiconductor test: Data mining with defect-cluster extraction
MPL Ooi, EKJ Joo, YC Kuang, S Demidenko, L Kleeman, CWK Chan
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 60 (10), 3300-3317, 2011
March PS (23N) test for DRAM pattern-sensitive faults
V Yarmolik, Y Klimets, S Demidenko
Test Symposium, 1998. ATS'98. Proceedings. Seventh Asian, 354-357, 1998
Size/position identification in real-time image processing using run length encoding
CH Messom, S Demidenko, K Subramaniam, GS Gupta
IMTC/2002. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2002
Watchers on the wall: Passive visible light-based positioning and tracking with embedded light-sensors on the wall
N Faulkner, F Alam, M Legg, S Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (5), 2522-2532, 2019
Real-time identification and predictive control of fast mobile robots using global vision sensing
GS Gupta, CH Messom, S Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54 (1), 200-214, 2005
Shortening burn-in test: Application of HVST and Weibull statistical analysis
MPL Ooi, ZA Kassim, SN Demidenko
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement 56 (3), 990-999, 2007
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Articles 1–20