Jason Roberts
Cited by
Cited by
Procedural contexts, party strategy, and conditional party voting in the US House of Representatives, 1971–2000
JM Roberts, SS Smith
American Journal of Political Science 47 (2), 305-317, 2003
The American Congress
SS Smith, JM Roberts, RJ Vander Wielen
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Candidate quality, the personal vote, and the incumbency advantage in congress
JL Carson, EJ Engstrom, JM Roberts
American Political Science Review 101 (2), 289-301, 2007
Presidential capital and the Supreme Court confirmation process
TR Johnson, JM Roberts
The Journal of Politics 66 (3), 663-683, 2004
The Statistical Analysis of Roll‐Call Data: A Cautionary Tale
JM Roberts
Legislative Studies Quarterly 32 (3), 341-360, 2007
Vision: Report of the teaching and learning in 2020 Review Group
C Gilbert, K August, R Brooks, D Hancock, D Hargreaves, N Pearce, ...
HMSO, 2020
Strategic politicians and US House elections, 1874–1914
JL Carson, JM Roberts
The Journal of Politics 67 (2), 474-496, 2005
Pivotal politics, presidential capital, and Supreme Court nominations
TR Johnson, JM Roberts
Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies 32 (1), 31-48, 2005
Ambition, competition, and electoral reform: The politics of congressional elections across time
JL Carson, JM Roberts
University of Michigan Press, 2013
Minority rights and majority power: Conditional party government and the motion to recommit in the House
JM Roberts
Legislative Studies Quarterly 30 (2), 219-234, 2005
Redistricting, candidate entry, and the politics of nineteenth‐century US House elections
JL Carson, EJ Engstrom, JM Roberts
American Journal of Political Science 50 (2), 283-293, 2006
Why not parties?: party effects in the United States Senate
NW Monroe, JM Roberts, DW Rohde
University of Chicago Press, 2009
The Development of Special Orders and Special Rules in the US House, 1881–1937
JM Roberts
Legislative Studies Quarterly 35 (3), 307-336, 2010
The dimensionality of congressional voting reconsidered
JM Roberts, SS Smith, SR Haptonstahl
Duke University Conference on Bicameralism, 2009
Prognostic model to predict postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery based on a national prospective observational cohort study
STARSurg Collaborative, ...
BJS open 2 (6), 400-410, 2018
The US Supreme Court Justices Database
L Epstein, TG Walker, N Staudt, S Hendrickson, J Roberts
Chicago, IL: Northwestern University School of Law. http://epstein. usc. edu …, 2010
The Cost of Majority‐Party Bias: Amending Activity under Structured Rules
MS Lynch, AJ Madonna, JM Roberts
Legislative Studies Quarterly 41 (3), 633-655, 2016
The politics of obstruction: Republican holds in the US senate
NO Howard, JM Roberts
Legislative Studies Quarterly 40 (2), 273-294, 2015
Flea market finds and global exports: Four multistate outbreaks of human Salmonella infections linked to small turtles, United States—2015
K Gambino‐Shirley, L Stevenson, J Concepción‐Acevedo, E Trees, ...
Zoonoses and public health 65 (5), 560-568, 2018
The evolution of agenda-setting institutions in Congress: Path dependency in House and Senate institutional development
JM Roberts, SS Smith
Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress 2, 182-204, 2007
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Articles 1–20