Michael Anestis
Michael Anestis
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Understanding the relationship between emotional and behavioral dysregulation: Emotional cascades
EA Selby, MD Anestis, TE Joiner
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (5), 593-611, 2008
Childhood physical and sexual abuse and lifetime number of suicide attempts: A persistent and theoretically important relationship
TE Joiner Jr, NJ Sachs-Ericsson, LRR Wingate, JS Brown, MD Anestis, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 45 (3), 539-547, 2007
The multifaceted role of distress tolerance in dysregulated eating behaviors
MD Anestis, EA Selby, EL Fink, TE Joiner
International Journal of Eating Disorders 40 (8), 718-726, 2007
Clarifying the role of emotion dysregulation in the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in an undergraduate sample
MD Anestis, CL Bagge, MT Tull, TE Joiner
Journal of psychiatric research 45 (5), 603-611, 2011
Impulsive behaviors as an emotion regulation strategy: Examining associations between PTSD, emotion dysregulation, and impulsive behaviors among substance dependent inpatients
NH Weiss, MT Tull, AG Viana, MD Anestis, KL Gratz
Journal of anxiety disorders 26 (3), 453-458, 2012
An exploration of the emotional cascade model in borderline personality disorder.
EA Selby, MD Anestis, TW Bender, TE Joiner Jr
Journal of abnormal psychology 118 (2), 375, 2009
The role of urgency in maladaptive behaviors
MD Anestis, EA Selby, TE Joiner
Behaviour research and therapy 45 (12), 3018-3029, 2007
A preliminary test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in a military sample
CJ Bryan, CE Morrow, MD Anestis, TE Joiner
Personality and individual differences 48 (3), 347-350, 2010
Measuring moral injury: Psychometric properties of the moral injury events scale in two military samples
CJ Bryan, ABO Bryan, MD Anestis, JC Anestis, BA Green, N Etienne, ...
Assessment 23 (5), 557-570, 2016
Reconsidering the link between impulsivity and suicidal behavior
MD Anestis, KA Soberay, PM Gutierrez, TD Hernández, TE Joiner
Personality and social psychology review 18 (4), 366-386, 2014
Examining the role of emotion in suicidality: Negative urgency as an amplifier of the relationship between components of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicidal …
MD Anestis, TE Joiner
Journal of affective disorders 129 (1-3), 261-269, 2011
The relative and unique contributions of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity to posttraumatic stress disorder among substance dependent inpatients
NH Weiss, MT Tull, MD Anestis, KL Gratz
Drug and alcohol dependence 128 (1-2), 45-51, 2013
Anger rumination across forms of aggression
MD Anestis, JC Anestis, EA Selby, TE Joiner
Personality and Individual Differences 46 (2), 192-196, 2009
Overcoming the fear of lethal injury: Evaluating suicidal behavior in the military through the lens of the interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide
EA Selby, MD Anestis, TW Bender, JD Ribeiro, MK Nock, MD Rudd, ...
Clinical psychology review 30 (3), 298-307, 2010
Equine‐related treatments for mental disorders lack empirical support: A systematic review of empirical investigations
MD Anestis, JC Anestis, LL Zawilinski, TA Hopkins, SO Lilienfeld
Journal of clinical psychology 70 (12), 1115-1132, 2014
The role of emotion dysregulation in suicide as considered through the ideation to action framework
KC Law, LR Khazem, MD Anestis
Current opinion in psychology 3, 30-35, 2015
Suicide rates and state laws regulating access and exposure to handguns
MD Anestis, JC Anestis
American journal of public health 105 (10), 2049-2058, 2015
Exercise caution: over-exercise is associated with suicidality among individuals with disordered eating
AR Smith, EL Fink, MD Anestis, JD Ribeiro, KH Gordon, H Davis, PK Keel, ...
Psychiatry research 206 (2-3), 246-255, 2013
Emotion regulation difficulties and maladaptive behaviors: Examination of deliberate self-harm, disordered eating, and substance misuse in two samples
KE Buckholdt, GR Parra, MD Anestis, JM Lavender, LE Jobe-Shields, ...
Cognitive Therapy and Research 39, 140-152, 2015
Dysregulated eating and distress: Examining the specific role of negative urgency in a clinical sample
MD Anestis, AR Smith, EL Fink, TE Joiner
Cognitive therapy and research 33, 390-397, 2009
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