Hazel R Needham
Hazel R Needham
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Dispersion-based weighting of species counts in assemblage analyses
KR Clarke, MG Chapman, PJ Somerfield, HR Needham
Marine Ecology Progress Series 320, 11-27, 2006
Effects of CO2 induced seawater acidification on infaunal diversity and sediment nutrient fluxes
S Widdicombe, SL Dashfield, CL McNeill, HR Needham, A Beesley, ...
Marine ecology progress series 379, 59-75, 2009
Impact of CO2-induced seawater acidification on the burrowing activity of Nereis virens and sediment nutrient flux
S Widdicombe, HR Needham
Marine ecology progress series 341, 111-122, 2007
Context-specific bioturbation mediates changes to ecosystem functioning
HR Needham, CA Pilditch, AM Lohrer, SF Thrush
Ecosystems 14, 1096-1109, 2011
Importance of bioturbators for biodiversity maintenance: indirect effects of fishing disturbance
S Widdicombe, MC Austen, MA Kendall, F Olsgard, MT Schaanning, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 275, 1-10, 2004
Impact of CO2-acidified seawater on the extracellular acid–base balance of the northern sea urchin Strongylocentrotus dröebachiensis
JI Spicer, S Widdicombe, HR Needham, JA Berge
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 407 (1), 19-25, 2011
Habitat dependence in the functional traits of Austrohelice crassa, a key bioturbating species
HR Needham, CA Pilditch, AM Lohrer, SF Thrush
Marine Ecology Progress Series 414, 179-193, 2010
Benthic primary production in emerged intertidal habitats provides resilience to high water column turbidity
TP Drylie, AM Lohrer, HR Needham, RH Bulmer, CA Pilditch
Journal of sea research 142, 101-112, 2018
Impact of elevated levels of CO2 on animal mediated ecosystem function: The modification of sediment nutrient fluxes by burrowing urchins
S Widdicombe, A Beesley, JA Berge, SL Dashfield, CL McNeill, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 73 (2), 416-427, 2013
Density and habitat dependent effects of crab burrows on sediment erodibility
HR Needham, CA Pilditch, AM Lohrer, SF Thrush
Journal of sea research 76, 94-104, 2013
Taxonomic and functional response of estuarine benthic communities to experimental organic enrichment: Consequences for ecosystem function
TP Drylie, AM Lohrer, HR Needham, CA Pilditch
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 532, 151455, 2020
Going under: The implications of sea‐level rise and reduced light availability on intertidal primary production
GJL Flowers, HR Needham, RH Bulmer, AM Lohrer, CA Pilditch
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (6), 1301-1315, 2023
Calcium carbonate alters the functional response of coastal sediments to eutrophication-induced acidification
TP Drylie, HR Needham, AM Lohrer, A Hartland, CA Pilditch
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12012, 2019
Site-dependent effects of bioturbator-detritus interactions alter soft-sediment ecosystem function
RV Gladstone-Gallagher, HR Needham, AM Lohrer, CJ Lundquist, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 569, 145-161, 2017
Intertidal habitat mapping for ecosystem goods and services: Waikato Estuaries
H Needham, M Townsend, JE Hewitt, SF Hailes
Waikato Regional Council, 2013
Land-based effects on coastal fisheries and kaimoana and their habitats–a review
MA Morrison, S Elliot, A Hughes, A Kainamu, E Williams, M Lowe, ...
New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 309, 167, 2023
Combining techniques to conceptualise denitrification hot spots and hot moments in estuaries
EJ Douglas, J Gammal, HR Needham, F Stephenson, M Townsend, ...
Ecosystems 25 (8), 1670-1681, 2022
The context-specific roles of a bioturbating crab (Austrohelice crassa) on ecosystem functioning
HR Needham
University of Waikato, 2011
Regional Estuary Monitoring Programme 10 year trend report: April 2001 to April 2011
H Needham, N Singleton, H Giles, HFE Jones
Waikato Regional Council, 2014
Intertidal habitat mapping for ecosystem goods and services: Tairua harbour
HR Needham, M Townsend, JE Hewitt, S Hailes
Waikato Regional Council, 2014
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Articles 1–20