Leena Suhl
Leena Suhl
Business Information Systems, esp. Operations Research, Paderborn University
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A time–space network based exact optimization model for multi-depot bus scheduling
N Kliewer, T Mellouli, L Suhl
European journal of operational research 175 (3), 1616-1627, 2006
Optimierungssysteme: Modelle, Verfahren, Software, Anwendungen
L Suhl, T Mellouli
Springer-Verlag, 2009
A time-space network approach for the integrated vehicle-and crew-scheduling problem with multiple depots
I Steinzen, V Gintner, L Suhl, N Kliewer
Transportation Science 44 (3), 367-382, 2010
Solving large multiple-depot multiple-vehicle-type bus scheduling problems in practice
V Gintner, N Kliewer, L Suhl
Or Spectrum 27, 507-523, 2005
Computing sparse LU factorizations for large-scale linear programming bases
UH Suhl, LM Suhl
ORSA Journal on Computing 2 (4), 325-335, 1990
Decision rules for robotic mobile fulfillment systems
M Merschformann, T Lamballais, MBM De Koster, L Suhl
Operations Research Perspectives 6, 100128, 2019
Increasing stability of crew and aircraft schedules
V Dück, L Ionescu, N Kliewer, L Suhl
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 20 (1), 47-61, 2012
A fast LU update for linear programming
LM Suhl, UH Suhl
Annals of Operations Research 43 (1), 33-47, 1993
Aggregate production planning in the automotive industry with special consideration of workforce flexibility
T Sillekens, A Koberstein, L Suhl
International Journal of Production Research 49 (17), 5055-5078, 2011
A two-stage stochastic programming approach for identifying optimal postponement strategies in supply chains with uncertain demand
C Weskamp, A Koberstein, F Schwartz, L Suhl, S Voß
Omega 83, 123-138, 2019
A partially integrated airline crew scheduling approach with time-dependent crew capacities and multiple home bases
Y Guo, T Mellouli, L Suhl, MP Thiel
European Journal of Operational Research 171 (3), 1169-1181, 2006
Theories in business and information systems engineering
M Bichler, U Frank, D Avison, J Malaurent, P Fettke, D Hovorka, J Krämer, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 58, 291-319, 2016
Mathematical models and solution methods for optimal container terminal yard layouts
J Wiese, L Suhl, N Kliewer
Or Spectrum 32, 427-452, 2010
Planning container terminal layouts considering equipment types and storage block design
J Wiese, L Suhl, N Kliewer
Handbook of terminal planning, 219-245, 2011
A stochastic programming approach for robust vehicle scheduling in public bus transport
M Naumann, L Suhl, S Kramkowski
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 20, 826-835, 2011
Cyclic and non-cyclic crew rostering problems in public bus transit
L Xie, L Suhl
OR spectrum 37, 99-136, 2015
Design of customer-oriented dispatching support for railways
L Suhl, C Biederbick, N Kliewer
Computer-aided scheduling of public transport, 365-386, 2001
Computer-aided scheduling: an airline perspective
L Suhl
Springer-Verlag, 2013
A note on the online nature of the railway delay management problem
N Kliewer, L Suhl
Networks 57 (1), 28-37, 2011
Applying oracles of on-demand accuracy in two-stage stochastic programming–A computational study
C Wolf, CI Fábián, A Koberstein, L Suhl
European Journal of Operational Research 239 (2), 437-448, 2014
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Articles 1–20