Brian J Schutte
Brian J Schutte
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Seed survival in soil: interacting effects of predation, dormancy and the soil microbial community
JW Dalling, AS Davis, BJ Schutte, A Elizabeth Arnold
Journal of Ecology 99 (1), 89-95, 2011
Managing the evolution of herbicide resistance
JA Evans, PJ Tranel, AG Hager, B Schutte, C Wu, LA Chatham, AS Davis
Pest management science 72 (1), 74-80, 2016
Heavy metal contamination in agricultural soil: environmental pollutants affecting crop health
A Rashid, BJ Schutte, A Ulery, MK Deyholos, S Sanogo, EA Lehnhoff, ...
Agronomy 13 (6), 1521, 2023
Chemical and physical defense of weed seeds in relation to soil seedbank persistence
AS Davis, BJ Schutte, J Iannuzzi, KA Renner
Weed Science 56 (5), 676-684, 2008
A hydrothermal seedling emergence model for giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)
BJ Schutte, EE Regnier, SK Harrison, JT Schmoll, K Spokas, F Forcella
Weed Science 56 (4), 555-560, 2008
An investigation to enhance understanding of the stimulation of weed seedling emergence by soil disturbance
BJ Schutte, BJ Tomasek, AS Davis, L Andersson, DL Benoit, A Cirujeda, ...
Weed Research 54 (1), 1-12, 2014
Crop vulnerability to weather and climate risk: Analysis of interacting systems and adaptation efficacy for sustainable crop production
EH Elias, R Flynn, OJ Idowu, J Reyes, S Sanogo, BJ Schutte, R Smith, ...
Sustainability 11 (23), 6619, 2019
Growth and yield of guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) genotypes under different planting dates in the semi-arid Southern High Plains
S Singla, K Grover, SV Angadi, SH Begna, B Schutte, D Van Leeuwen
American Journal of Plant Sciences 7 (8), 1246-1258, 2016
Certified Crop Advisors’ Perceptions of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) Distribution, Herbicide Resistance, and Management in the Corn Belt
EE Regnier, SK Harrison, MM Loux, C Holloman, R Venkatesh, ...
Weed Science 64 (2), 361-377, 2016
Temporal scaling of episodic point estimates of seed predation to long‐term predation rates
AS Davis, D Daedlow, BJ Schutte, PR Westerman
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2 (6), 682-890, 2011
Integrating management of soil nitrogen and weeds
SE Wortman, AS Davis, BJ Schutte, JL Lindquist
Weed Science 59 (2), 162-170, 2011
The association between seed size and seed longevity among maternal families in Ambrosia trifida L. populations
BJ Schutte, EE Regnier, SK Harrison
Seed Science Research 18 (4), 201-211, 2008
Seed dormancy and adaptive seedling emergence timing in giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)
BJ Schutte, EE Regnier, SK Harrison
Weed Science 60 (1), 19-26, 2012
Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Damage Niche in Illinois Soybean Is Seed Limited
AS Davis, BJ Schutte, AG Hager, BG Young
Weed Science 63 (3), 658-668, 2015
Interspecific variation in persistence of buried weed seeds follows trade‐offs among physiological, chemical, and physical seed defenses
AS Davis, X Fu, BJ Schutte, MA Berhow, JW Dalling
Ecology and Evolution 6 (19), 6836-6845, 2016
Winter cover crops effects on soil properties and sweet corn yield in semi‐arid irrigated systems
E Antosh, J Idowu, B Schutte, E Lehnhoff
Agronomy Journal 112 (1), 92-106, 2020
Managing wicked herbicide-resistance: lessons from the field
J Schroeder, M Barrett, DR Shaw, AB Asmus, H Coble, D Ervin, ...
Weed Technology 32 (4), 475-488, 2018
Guar stand establishment, physiology, and yield responses to planting date in southern New Mexico
S Singla, K Grover, SV Angadi, B Schutte, D VanLeeuwen
Agronomy Journal 108 (6), 2289-2300, 2016
Maternal and burial environment effects on seed mortality of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and giant foxtail (Setaria faberi)
BJ Schutte, AS Davis, KA Renner, J Cardina
Weed Science 56 (6), 834-840, 2008
Seed-coat thickness data clarify seed size–seed-bank persistence trade-offs in Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae)
BJ Schutte, AS Davis, SA Peinado, J Ashigh
Seed Science Research 24 (2), 119-131, 2014
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Articles 1–20