Thomas A Bell
Thomas A Bell
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland
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Cited by
Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid
TWN Guillaume Gauthier, Matthew T. Reeves, Xiaoquan Yu, Ashton S. Bradley ...
Science 364 (6447), 1264-1267, 2019
Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
L Amico, M Boshier, G Birkl, A Minguzzi, C Miniatura, LC Kwek, ...
AVS Quantum Science 3 (3), 039201, 2021
Bose–Einstein condensation in large time-averaged optical ring potentials
TA Bell, JAP Glidden, L Humbert, MWJ Bromley, SA Haine, MJ Davis, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (3), 035003, 2016
Quantitative Acoustic Models for Superfluid Circuits
G Gauthier, SS Szigeti, MT Reeves, M Baker, TA Bell, ...
Physical Review Letters 123 (26), 260402, 2019
Dynamic high-resolution optical trapping of ultracold atoms
G Gauthier, TA Bell, AB Stilgoe, M Baker, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, ...
Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70, 1-101, 2021
Phase and micromotion of Bose-Einstein condensates in a time-averaged ring trap
TA Bell, G Gauthier, TW Neely, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, MJ Davis, ...
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013604, 2018
Note: High turn density magnetic coils with improved low pressure water cooling for use in atom optics
N McKay Parry, M Baker, T Neely, T Carey, T Bell, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (8), 2014
Engineering time-averaged optical potentials for Bose-Einstein condensates
TA Bell
University of Queensland, 2020
Feedforward Optimisation of Optical Trapping Potentials for Ultracold Atoms
G Gauthier, TA Bell, M Baker, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, TW Neely
2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 1-2, 2020
A Soliton Gyroscope using Atomic Superfluids in Digital Micromirror Controlled Optical Potentials
TA Bell, G Gauthier, MA Baker, TW Neely
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, C8C_3, 2020
Advanced Optical Trapping of Ultracold Atoms for Studying Superfluid Transport and Turbulence
TW Neely, G Gauthier, S Szigeti, TA Bell, M Baker, M Davis, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FW2B. 3, 2017
Synthetic Rotation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
M Bromley, M Baker, T Bell, J Glidden, B Henson, S Haine, T Neely, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 1, 1067, 2015
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Articles 1–12