Miriam J. Laugesen
Miriam J. Laugesen
Associate Professor, Columbia University
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Higher fees paid to US physicians drive higher spending for physician services compared to other countries
MJ Laugesen, SA Glied
Health Affairs 30 (9), 1647-1656, 2011
Perceptions of the health system and public trust in government in low-and middle-income countries: evidence from the World Health Surveys
PC Rockers, ME Kruk, MJ Laugesen
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 37 (3), 405-437, 2012
A patient mobility framework that travels: European and United States–Mexican comparisons
MJ Laugesen, A Vargas-Bustamante
Health Policy 97 (2-3), 225-231, 2010
Residential segregation and the survival of US urban public hospitals
M Ko, J Needleman, KP Derose, MJ Laugesen, NA Ponce
Medical Care Research and Review 71 (3), 243-260, 2014
In setting doctors’ Medicare fees, CMS almost always accepts the relative value update panel’s advice on work values
MJ Laugesen, R Wada, EM Chen
Health affairs 31 (5), 965-972, 2012
Fixing Medical Prices: How Physicians are Paid
MJ Laugesen
Harvard University Press, 2016
The resource-based relative value scale and physician reimbursement policy
MJ Laugesen
Chest 146 (5), 1413-1419, 2014
The Patient‐Centered Medical Home: A Future Standard for American Health Care?
DB Klein, MJ Laugesen, N Liu
Public Administration Review 73 (s1), S82-S92, 2013
United States-Mexico cross-border health insurance initiatives: Salud Migrante and Medicare in Mexico
A Vargas Bustamante, M Laugesen, M Caban, P Rosenau
Revista panamericana de salud pública 31, 74-80, 2012
Why some market reforms lack legitimacy in health care
M Laugesen
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 30 (6), 1065-1100, 2005
Emigration of New Zealand and Australian physicians to the United States and the international flow of medical personnel
EA Miller, M Laugesen, SYD Lee, SS Mick
Health Policy 43 (3), 253-270, 1998
Leap of Faith — Medicare's New Physician Payment System
J Oberlander, MJ Laugesen
N Engl J Med 373, 1185-1187, 2015
A comparative analysis of mandated benefit laws, 1949–2002
MJ Laugesen, RR Paul, HS Luft, W Aubry, TG Ganiats
Health services research 41 (3p2), 1081-1103, 2006
Is the doctor in? The evolving role of organized medicine in health policy
MJ Laugesen, T Rice
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 28 (2-3), 289-316, 2003
Democratic Governance and Health: Hospitals, Politics and Health Policy in New Zealand
MJ Laugesen, R Gauld
Dunedin: Otago University Press, New Zealand [ISBN 978 1 877578 27 4], 2012
Siren Song: Physicians, Congress, and Medicare Fees
MJ Laugesen
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 34 (2), 157-179, 2009
Take‐Up of Public Insurance and Crowd‐Out of Private Insurance under Recent CHIP Expansions to Higher Income Children
CR Gresenz, SE Edgington, M Laugesen, JJ Escarce
Health Services Research 47 (5), 1999-2011, 2012
Learning From New York City: A Case Study of Public Health Policy Practice in the Bloomberg Administration
KR Isett, MJ Laugesen, DH Cloud
Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 21 (4), 313-322, 2015
New Zealand health care: a background
M Laugesen, G Salmond
Health Policy 29 (1-2), 11-23, 1994
Early policy responses to the human papillomavirus vaccine in the United States, 2006–2010
MJ Laugesen, R Mistry, KA Carameli, KM Ribisl, J Needleman, R Bastani
Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (5), 659-664, 2014
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