Daniel Turek
Cited by
Cited by
Programming with models: writing statistical algorithms for general model structures with NIMBLE
P de Valpine, D Turek, CJ Paciorek, C Anderson-Bergman, DT Lang, ...
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2), 403-413, 2017
NIMBLE: MCMC, particle filtering, and programmable hierarchical modeling
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package version 0.11 1, 2021
Diversity of artists in major US museums
CM Topaz, B Klingenberg, D Turek, B Heggeseth, PE Harris, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0212852, 2019
The practice of reproducible research: case studies and lessons from the data-intensive sciences
J Kitzes, D Turek, F Deniz
Univ of California Press, 2018
Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring
R Bischof, C Milleret, P Dupont, J Chipperfield, M Tourani, A Ordiz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (48), 30531-30538, 2020
Model-averaged Wald confidence intervals
D Turek, D Fletcher
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (9), 2809-2815, 2012
Metabolic rate interacts with resource availability to determine individual variation in microhabitat use in the wild
SK Auer, RD Bassar, D Turek, GJ Anderson, S McKelvey, JD Armstrong, ...
The American Naturalist 196 (2), 132-144, 2020
Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models
D Turek, P de Valpine, CJ Paciorek
Environmental and ecological statistics 23, 549-564, 2016
NIMBLE user manual
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package manual version 0.9 1, 2020
Efficient estimation of large‐scale spatial capture–recapture models
D Turek, C Milleret, T Ergon, H Brøseth, P Dupont, R Bischof, ...
Ecosphere 12 (2), e03385, 2021
Recommendations to funding agencies for supporting reproducible research
K Broman, M Cetinkaya-Rundel, A Nussbaum, C Paciorek, R Peng, ...
American Statistical Association 2, 1-4, 2017
IPM2: toward better understanding and forecasting of population dynamics
F Plard, D Turek, MU Grüebler, M Schaub
Ecological Monographs 89 (3), e01364, 2019
One size does not fit all: Customizing MCMC methods for hierarchical models using NIMBLE
LC Ponisio, P de Valpine, N Michaud, D Turek
Ecology and evolution 10 (5), 2385-2416, 2020
Model-averaged profile likelihood intervals
D Fletcher, D Turek
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 17, 38-51, 2012
Automated parameter blocking for efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling
D Turek, P de Valpine, CJ Paciorek, C Anderson-Bergman
nimbleSCR: spatial capture-recapture (SCR) methods using ‘nimble’
R Bischof, D Turek, C Milleret, T Ergon, P Dupont, P de Valpine
R package version 0.1. 0, 2020
Estimating abundance with interruptions in data collection using open population spatial capture–recapture models
C Milleret, P Dupont, J Chipperfield, D Turek, H Brøseth, O Gimenez, ...
Ecosphere 11 (7), e03172, 2020
Bayesian inference for high-dimensional nonstationary Gaussian processes
MD Risser, D Turek
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 90 (16), 2902-2928, 2020
NIMBLE: MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling. 2020
P de Valpine, C Paciorek, D Turek, N Michaud, C Anderson-Bergman, ...
R package version 0.12 2, 2020
Multispecies integrated population model reveals bottom‐up dynamics in a seabird predator–prey system
M Quéroué, C Barbraud, F Barraquand, D Turek, K Delord, N Pacoureau, ...
Ecological monographs 91 (3), e01459, 2021
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Articles 1–20