Pekka Mattila
Pekka Mattila
Associate Professor, Aalto University School of Business
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Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen
P Mattila
Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 2007
Understanding fashion consumers’ attitude and behavioral intention toward sustainable fashion products: Focus on sustainable knowledge sources and knowledge types
HM Kong, E Ko, H Chae, P Mattila
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 7 (2), 103-119, 2016
The role of fashion brand authenticity in product management: A holistic marketing approach
H Choi, E Ko, EY Kim, P Mattila
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (2), 233-242, 2015
Extending the luxury experience to social media–User-Generated Content co-creation in a branded event
E Koivisto, P Mattila
Journal of Business Research 117, 570-578, 2020
New insights into online consumption communities and netnography
H Weijo, J Hietanen, P Mattila
Journal of Business Research, 2014
Otollinen tilaisuus: miten tarttua muutokseen
P Mattila
Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 2008
Fashion collaboration effects on consumer response and customer equity in global luxury and SPA brand marketing
K Kim, E Ko, M Lee, P Mattila, K Hoon Kim
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 24 (3), 350-364, 2014
Putki: johda markkinointia ja myyntiä yhdessä
P Mattila, M Rautiainen
Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 2010
Relational price discounts: consumers’ metacognitions and nonlinear effects of initial discounts on customer retention
MJ del Rio Olivares, K Wittkowski, J Aspara, T Falk, P Mattila
Journal of Marketing 82 (1), 115-131, 2018
Toiminta, valta ja kokemus organisaation muutoksessa: Tutkimus kolmesta suuryrityksestä
P Mattila
Helsingin yliopisto, 2006
The role of fashion in the characters of online games
SJ Kim, KH Kim, P Mattila
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 3 (2), 81-88, 2012
Affective motives to play online games
J Bae, DM Koo, P Mattila
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 26 (2), 174-184, 2016
Reimagining society through retail practice
J Hietanen, P Mattila, JW Schouten, A Sihvonen, S Toyoki
Journal of Retailing 92 (4), 411-425, 2016
Brand popularity as an advertising cue affecting consumer evaluation on sustainable brands: A comparison study of Korea, China, and Russia
H Whang, E Ko, T Zhang, P Mattila
International Journal of Advertising 34 (5), 789-811, 2015
Exploring SNS as a consumer tool for retail therapy: explicating semantic networks of “shopping makes me happy (unhappy)” as a new product development method
E Ko, E Chun, S Song, P Mattila
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 25 (1), 37-48, 2015
“Managerial storytelling”: how we produce managerial and academic stories in qualitative B2B case study research
J Hietanen, A Sihvonen, H Tikkanen, P Mattila
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 24 (3), 295-310, 2014
International fashion trade shows as platforms for experiential branding
E Koivisto, P Mattila
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 9 (2), 161-178, 2018
Paradox and market renewal: Knockoffs and counterfeits as doppelgänger brand images of luxury
J Hietanen, P Mattila, A Sihvonen, H Tikkanen
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 36 (7), 750-763, 2018
International fashion trade shows as knowledge creation platforms for microenterprises
H Cheng, E Koivisto, P Mattila
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 5 (2), 149-164, 2014
Media as multitasking: An exploratory study on capturing audiences’ media multitasking and multiple media use behaviours
F Tokan
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Articles 1–20