Olivia A. O'Neill
Olivia A. O'Neill
Associate Professor of Management, George Mason University
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Cited by
What’s love got to do with it? A longitudinal study of the culture of companionate love and employee and client outcomes in a long-term care setting
SG Barsade, OA O’Neill
Administrative science quarterly 59 (4), 551-598, 2014
Manage your emotional culture
S Barsade, OA O’Neill
Harvard Business Review 94 (1), 58-66, 2016
Organizational culture: Beyond struggles for intellectual dominance
J Martin, PJ Frost, OA O’Neill
The Handbook of Organization Studies 725 (753), 725-753, 2006
Toxic leadership and the masculinity contest culture: How “win or die” cultures breed abusive leadership
K Matos, O O'Neill, X Lei
Journal of Social Issues 74 (3), 500-528, 2018
Is love all you need? The effects of emotional culture, suppression, and work–family conflict on firefighter risk-taking and health
OA O’Neill, NP Rothbard
Academy of Management Journal 60 (1), 78-108, 2017
Reducing the backlash effect: Self‐monitoring and women's promotions
OA O’Neill, CA O’Reilly III
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 84 (4), 825-832, 2011
Exploring relationships among anger, perceived organizational support, and workplace outcomes.
OA O'Neill, RJ Vandenberg, DM DeJoy, MG Wilson
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 14 (3), 318, 2009
Masculinity in male‐dominated occupations: How teams, time, and tasks shape masculinity contests
EM Reid, OA O'Neill, M Blair‐Loy
Journal of Social Issues 74 (3), 579-606, 2018
Careers as tournaments: The impact of sex and gendered organizational culture preferences on MBAs' income attainment
OA O'Neill, CA O'Reilly
Journal of Organizational Behavior 31 (6), 856-876, 2010
Organizational achievement values, high‐involvement work practices, and business unit performance
OA O'Neill, DC Feldman, RJ Vandenberg, DM DeJoy, MG Wilson
Human Resource Management 50 (4), 541-558, 2011
Workplace Expression of Emotions and Escalation of Commitment1
OA O'Neill
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39 (10), 2396-2424, 2009
Disaffected Pollyannas: The influence of positive affect on salary expectations, turnover, and long‐term satisfaction
OA O'Neill, LJ Stanley, CA O'Reilly
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 84 (3), 599-617, 2011
The role of socialization, orientation, and training program in transmitting culture and climate and enhancing performance
DC Feldman, OA O’Neill
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture, 44-64, 2014
Accuracy and perceived expert status in group decisions: When minority members make majority members more accurate privately
M Sinaceur, MC Thomas-Hunt, MA Neale, OA O'Neill, C Haag
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (3), 423-437, 2010
Going along to get ahead: The asymmetric effects of sexist joviality on status conferral
NM Alonso, O O’Neill
Organization Science 33 (5), 1794-1815, 2022
The Sage Handbook of Organization Studies
J Martin, P Frost, OA O’neill, S Clegg, C Hardy, T Lawrence, W Nord
The FACCTs of (work) life: How relationships (and returns) are linked to the emotional culture of companionate love
O O’Neill
American Journal of Health Promotion 32 (5), 1312-1315, 2018
The psychological and financial impacts of an emotional culture of anxiety and its antidote, an emotional culture of companionate love
OA O'Neill, SG Barsade, F Sguera
Social Science & Medicine 317, 115570, 2023
Individual values and the structure of leadership schemas: Verification of a connectionist network
OA O’Neill, PJ Hanges
DJ Schleicher (Chair). Social cognition and IO: Widening or narrowing the …, 2000
Demography, emotional expressivity, and undermining in a female-dominated organization
OA O'Neill, J Mueller
Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-6, 2011
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Articles 1–20