Andriy Kot
Cited by
Cited by
Non-rigid alignment of pre-operative MRI, fMRI, and DT-MRI with intra-operative MRI for enhanced visualization and navigation in image-guided neurosurgery
N Archip, O Clatz, S Whalen, D Kacher, A Fedorov, A Kot, ...
Neuroimage 35 (2), 609-624, 2007
Toward real-time image guided neurosurgery using distributed and grid computing
N Chrisochoides, A Fedorov, A Kot, N Archip, P Black, O Clatz, A Golby, ...
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 76-es, 2006
An ITK implementation of a physics-based non-rigid registration method for brain deformation in image-guided neurosurgery
Y Liu, A Kot, F Drakopoulos, C Yao, A Fedorov, A Enquobahrie, O Clatz, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 8, 33, 2014
Towards exascale parallel delaunay mesh generation
N Chrisochoides, A Chernikov, A Fedorov, A Kot, L Linardakis, P Foteinos
Proceedings of the 18th international meshing roundtable, 319-336, 2009
Evaluation of remote memory access communication on the cray xt3
V Tipparaju, A Kot, J Nieplocha, M ten Bruggencate, N Chrisochoides
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-7, 2007
Parallel software framework for large-scale parallel mesh generation and adaptation for cfd solvers
P Thomadakis, C Tsolakis, K Vogiatzis, A Kot, NN Chrisochoides
2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 2888, 2018
An ITK implementation of physics-based non-rigid registration method
Y Liu, A Kot, F Drakopoulos, A Fedorov, A Enquobahrie, O Clatz, ...
Insight J, 2012
Effective out-of-core parallel delaunay mesh refinement using off-the-shelf software
A Kot, A Chernikov, N Chrisochoides
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
Challenges of workload analysis on large HPC systems: A case study on NCSA blue waters
JP White, M Innus, MD Jones, RL DeLeon, N Simakov, JT Palmer, ...
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing …, 2017
Copa use case: Distributed secure joint computation
R Patel, P Haghi, S Jain, A Kot, V Krishnan, M Varia, M Herbordt
2022 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom …, 2022
Updating the SPP benchmark suite for extreme-scale systems
G Bauer, V Anisimov, G Arnold, B Bode, R Brunner, T Cortese, R Haas, ...
Proceedings of Cry User Group Meeting (CUG-2017), 2017
Distributed hardware accelerated secure joint computation on the copa framework
R Patel, P Haghi, S Jain, A Kot, V Krishnan, M Varia, M Herbord
2022 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7, 2022
The evaluation of an effective out-of-core run-time system in the context of parallel mesh generation
A Kot, AN Chernikov, NP Chrisochoides
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 164-175, 2011
Out-of-core parallel Delaunay mesh generation
A Kot, AN Chernikov, NP Chrisochoides
17th IMACS World Congress Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and …, 2005
Dynamic model specific register (MSR) data collection as a system service
GH Bauer, J Brandt, A Gentile, A Kot, M Showerman
Cray Users Group (CUG), 2016
Real-Time Dynamic Data Driven Deformable Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery: Computational Aspects
N Chrisochoides, A Fedorov, Y Liu, A Kot, P Foteinos, F Drakopoulos, ...
ArXiv, 2023
“Green” Multi-layered “Smart” Memory Management System
A Kot, N Chrisochoides
Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and …, 2003
Comparison of physics-based deformable registration methods for image-guided neurosurgery
N Chrisochoides, Y Liu, F Drakopoulos, A Kot, P Foteinos, C Tsolakis, ...
Frontiers in Digital Health 5, 1283726, 2023
Grid-enabled software environment for enhanced dynamic data-driven visualization and navigation during image-guided neurosurgery
N Chrisochoides, A Fedorov, A Kot, N Archip, D Goldberg-Zimring, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2007: 7th International Conference, Beijing …, 2007
Imaging and visual analysis-Toward real-time image guided neurosurgery using distributed and grid computing
N Chrisochoides, A Fedorov, A Kot, N Archip, PM Black, O Clatz, AJ Golby, ...
SC, 2006
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Articles 1–20