Leonardo Silva Boiteux
Leonardo Silva Boiteux
Pesquisador Melhoramento Genético de Hortaliças, Embrapa Hortaliças
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Carotenoid biosynthesis structural genes in carrot (Daucus carota): isolation, sequence-characterization, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and …
BJ Just, CAF Santos, MEN Fonseca, LS Boiteux, BB Oloizia, PW Simon
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114, 693-704, 2007
PW Simon, RE Freeman, JV Vieira, LS Boiteux, M Briard, T Nothnagel, ...
Vegetables II: Fabaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae, 327-357, 2008
Effects of plant tissue and DNA purification method on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-based genetic fingerprinting analysis in carrot
LS Boiteux, MEN Fonseca, PW Simon
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 124 (1), 32-38, 1999
Genetic basis of resistance against two Tospovirus species in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
LS Boiteux, L de B. Giordano
Euphytica 71 (1), 151-154, 1993
Meiotic mutants in potato: valuable variants
SJ Peloquin, LS Boiteux, D Carputo
Genetics 153 (4), 1493-1499, 1999
Diversity and prevalence of Brazilian bipartite begomovirus species associated to tomatoes
FR Fernandes, LC de Albuquerque, L de Britto Giordano, LS Boiteux, ...
Virus genes 36, 251-258, 2008
Inheritance of a resistance specific to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus in Capsicum chinense ‘PI 159236’
LS Boiteux, AC De Avila
Euphytica 75 (1), 139-142, 1994
Sources of resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in cultivated and wild species of Capsicum
LS Boiteux, T Nagata, WP Dutra, MEN Fonseca
Euphytica 67 (1), 89-94, 1993
Allelic relationships between genes for resistance to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus in Capsicum chinense
LS Boiteux
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 90, 146-149, 1995
Genomic diversity of sweet potato geminiviruses in a Brazilian germplasm bank
T Paprotka, LS Boiteux, MEN Fonseca, RO Resende, H Jeske, JC Faria, ...
Virus research 149 (2), 224-233, 2010
Inheritance of adult-plant resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper
FJB Reifschneider, LS Boiteux, PT Della Vecchia, JM Poulos, N Kuroda
Euphytica 62 (1), 45-49, 1992
The T omato spotted wilt virus cell‐to‐cell movement protein (NSM) triggers a hypersensitive response in S w‐5‐containing resistant tomato lines and in N icotiana benthamiana …
M Hallwass, AS De Oliveira, E de Campos Dianese, D Lohuis, LS Boiteux, ...
Molecular plant pathology 15 (9), 871-880, 2014
First report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3 on tomato in Brazil
A Reis, H Costa, LS Boiteux, CA Lopes
Fitopatologia Brasileira 30, 426-428, 2005
Cultivo de tomate para industrialização
JBC SILVA, LB GIORDANO, O Furumoto, LS Boiteux, FH França, ...
Embrapa Hortaliças 1, 2006
Development of a locus-specific, co-dominant SCAR marker for assisted-selection of the Sw-5 (Tospovirus resistance) gene cluster in a wide range of tomato …
EC Dianese, MEN de Fonseca, R Goldbach, R Kormelink, ...
Molecular Breeding 25, 133-142, 2010
Selection–mutation balance in polysomic tetraploids: impact of double reduction and gametophytic selection on the frequency and subchromosomal localization of deleterious mutations
DV Butruille, LS Boiteux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (12), 6608-6613, 2000
Pepper yellow mosaic virus, a new potyvirus in sweetpepper, Capsicum annuum
AK Inoue-Nagata, MEN Fonseca, RO Resende, LS Boiteux, DC Monte, ...
Archives of virology 147, 849-855, 2002
Inheritance of resistance to the bipartite Tomato chlorotic mottle begomovirus derived from Lycopersicon esculentum cv. ‘Tyking’
LB Giordano, VL Silva-Lobo, FM Santana, MEN Fonseca, LS Boiteux
Euphytica 143, 27-33, 2005
Breeding biofortified cowpea lines for semi-arid tropical areas by combining higher seed protein and mineral levels.
CAF Santos, LS Boiteux
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 12, n. 4, p. 6782-6789, 2013., 2013
Outbreak of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 3 in commercial fresh-market tomato fields in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
A Reis, LS Boiteux
Horticultura Brasileira 25, 451-454, 2007
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Articles 1–20