Michael Steiner
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Cited by
Solving multiattribute design problems with analytic hierarchy process and conjoint analysis: An empirical comparison
A Scholl, L Manthey, R Helm, M Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 164 (3), 760-777, 2005
How Mobile In-Store Advertising Influences Purchase Intention: Value Drivers and Mediating Effects from a Consumer Perspective
M Bues, M Steiner, M Stafflage, M Krafft
Psychology & Marketing 34 (2), 157-174, 2017
To invest or not to invest in brands? Drivers of brand relevance in B2B markets
K Backhaus, M Steiner, K Luegger
Industrial Marketing Management 40 (7), 1082-1092, 2011
Präferenzmessung: Methodengestützte Entwicklung zielgruppenspezifischer Produktinnovationen
R Helm, M Steiner
W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2008
Vermarktung hybrider Leistungsbündel: Das ServPay-Konzept
K Backhaus, J Becker, D Beverungen, M Frohs, R Knackstedt, O Müller, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2010
Do Customized Service Packages Impede Value Capture in Industrial Markets?
M Steiner, A Eggert, W Ulaga, K Backhaus
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014
A User’s Guide to the Galaxy of Conjoint Analysis and Compositional Preference Measurement
M Steiner, M Meissner
Marketing ZfP – Journal of Research and Management 39 (2), 3-25, 2018
Risk factors for the Swiss stock market
M Ammann, M Steiner
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 144, 1-35, 2008
Nachfragerorientierte Präferenzmessung: Bestimmung zielgruppenspezifischer Eigenschaftssets auf Basis von Kundenbedürfnissen
M Steiner
Springer-Verlag, 2007
Platform adoption in system markets: The roles of preference heterogeneity and consumer expectations
M Steiner, N Wiegand, A Eggert, K Backhaus
International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (2), 276-296, 2016
Measuring customer preferences in new product development: comparing compositional and decompositional methods
R Helm, A Scholl, L Manthey, M Steiner
International Journal of Product Development 1 (1), 12-29, 2004
Modular aspects of kinesin force generation machinery
WR Hesse, M Steiner, ML Wohlever, RD Kamm, W Hwang, MJ Lang
Biophysical journal 104 (9), 1969-1978, 2013
Enabling individualized recommendations and dynamic pricing of value-added services through willingness-to-pay data
K Backhaus, J Becker, M Beverungen, Daniel, Frohs, O Müller, ...
Electronic Markets 20 (2), 131-146, 2010
A comparative empirical study on common methods for measuring preferences
R Helm, M Steiner, A Scholl, L Manthey
International Journal of Management and Decision Making 9 (3), 242-265, 2008
How Consumers’ Willingness-to-Pay is measured in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of Common Approaches' Relevance
M Steiner, J Hendus, 2012
How Consumers’ Willingness to Pay is Measured in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of Common Approaches' Relevance
M Steiner, J Hendus, 2012
Modelling the long-term consequences of a hypothetical dispersal of radioactivity in an urban area including remediation alternatives
KM Thiessen, KG Andersson, B Batandjieva, JJ Cheng, WT Hwang, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 100 (6), 445-455, 2009
Work-Life-Balance als Motor für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und gesellschaftliche Stabilität
AG Prognos, M Astor, M Steiner
Analyse der volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte–Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse, im …, 2005
A Revolution in R&D
P Tollman, P Guy, J Altshuler, A Flanagan, M Steiner
How genomics and genetics are transforming the biopharmaceutical industry …, 2001
Empirical evaluation of preference elicitation techniques from marketing and decision analysis
R Helm, L Manthey, A Scholl, M Steiner
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, School of of Economics and Business …, 2003
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Articles 1–20