Kelly R Atkinson
Kelly R Atkinson
Other namesKelly R LeFevre
Science operations management
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Cited by
A Mendelian trait for olfactory sensitivity affects odor experience and food selection
SR Jaeger, JF McRae, CM Bava, MK Beresford, D Hunter, Y Jia, ...
Current Biology 23 (16), 1601-1605, 2013
Identification of regions associated with variation in sensitivity to food-related odors in the human genome
JF McRae, SR Jaeger, CM Bava, MK Beresford, D Hunter, Y Jia, ...
Current Biology 23 (16), 1596-1600, 2013
An altered pattern of circulating apolipoprotein E3 isoforms is implicated in preeclampsia
KR Atkinson, M Blumenstein, MA Black, SH Wu, N Kasabov, RS Taylor, ...
Journal of lipid research 50 (1), 71-80, 2009
Retroevolution of λ Cro toward a stable monomer
KR LeFevre, MHJ Cordes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (5), 2345-2350, 2003
Rapid saliva processing techniques for near real‐time analysis of salivary steroids and protein
KR Atkinson, KR Lo, SR Payne, JS Mitchell, JR Ingram
Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 22 (6), 395-402, 2008
The cancer stories project: narratives of encounters with cancer in Aotearoa, New Zealand
R Egan, R Llewellyn, S Wood, J Doherty, T Albert, C Walsh, K Atkinson, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 25 (3), 300-307, 2016
Investigation of the impact of sensitivity to cis-3-hexen-1-ol (green/grassy) on food acceptability and selection
SR Jaeger, B Pineau, CM Bava, KR Atkinson, JF McRae, LG Axten, ...
Food Quality and Preference 24 (2), 230-242, 2012
A modified method using the SonoPrep® ultrasonic skin permeation system for sampling human interstitial fluid is compatible with proteomic techniques
MMJ Lecomte, KR Atkinson, DP Kay, JL Simons, JR Ingram
Skin Research and Technology 19 (1), 27-34, 2013
Sequence correlations between Cro recognition helices and cognate OR consensus half-sites suggest conserved rules of protein–DNA recognition
BM Hall, KR LeFevre, MHJ Cordes
Journal of molecular biology 350 (4), 667-681, 2005
Development and validation of a sensitive immunoassay for the skeletal muscle isoform of creatine kinase
KR Lo, SM Hurst, KR Atkinson, T Vandenbogaerde, CM Beaven, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (1), 117-119, 2010
A statistical model to identify differentially expressed proteins in 2D PAGE gels
SH Wu, MA Black, RA North, KR Atkinson, AG Rodrigo
PLoS computational biology 5 (9), e1000509, 2009
A Trade between Similar but Nonequivalent Intrasubunit and Intersubunit Contacts in Cro Dimer Evolution,
T Newlove, KR Atkinson, LO Van Dorn, MHJ Cordes
Biochemistry 45 (20), 6379-6391, 2006
Proteomic biomarker discovery for preeclampsia
KRLF Atkinson
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2008
He Kahui Korero Taumahatanga o te Mate Pukupuku.“Cancer Stories Project” Aotearoa/New Zealand. Narratives of Encounters with Cancer
R Egan, J Doherty, T Albert, R Llewellyn, C Walsh, P Kerslake, C Pihema, ...
Dunedin, New Zealand: Cancer Society of New Zealand and University of Otago, 2014
strength hope
R Egan, J Doherty, T Albert, R Llewellyn, C Walsh, P Kerslake, C Pihema, ...
Transdermal sampling of interstitial fluid proteins
KR Atkinson, LA Hurmez
age (y) 35, 9, 0
Temporal dynamics of salivary alpha-amylase secretion
KR Lo, KR Atkinson
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Articles 1–17