Christopher Wimer
Christopher Wimer
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Does marriage reduce crime? A counterfactual approach to within‐individual causal effects
RJ Sampson, JH Laub, C Wimer
Criminology 44 (3), 465-508, 2006
Poverty is not just an indicator: the relationship between income, poverty, and child well-being
A Chaudry, C Wimer
Academic pediatrics 16 (3), S23-S29, 2016
The great recession
DB Grusky, B Western, C Wimer
Russell Sage Foundation, 2011
After School Programs in the 21st Century: Their Potential and What It Takes to Achieve It. Issues and Opportunities in Out-of-School Time Evaluation. Number 10.
P Little, C Wimer, HB Weiss
Harvard Family Research Project, 2008
The effects of the Great Recession on family structure and fertility
A Cherlin, E Cumberworth, SP Morgan, C Wimer
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 650 (1 …, 2013
Waging war on poverty: Poverty trends using a historical supplemental poverty measure
L Fox, C Wimer, I Garfinkel, N Kaushal, J Waldfogel
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34 (3), 567-592, 2015
Beyond income poverty: Measuring disadvantage in terms of material hardship and health
KM Neckerman, I Garfinkel, JO Teitler, J Waldfogel, C Wimer
Academic pediatrics 16 (3), S52-S59, 2016
What drives the gender gap in charitable giving? Lower empathy leads men to give less to poverty relief
R Willer, C Wimer, LA Owens
Social science research 52, 83-98, 2015
A universal child allowance: A plan to reduce poverty and income instability among children in the United States
HL Shaefer, S Collyer, G Duncan, K Edin, I Garfinkel, D Harris, ...
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 4 (2), 22-42, 2018
Demographic differences in patterns of youth out-of-school time activity participation
SM Bouffard, C Wimer, P Caronongan, P Little, E Dearing, SD Simpkins
Journal of Youth Development 1 (1), 24-40, 2006
The consequences of the great recession
DB Grusky, B Western, C Wimer
The great recession, 3-20, 2011
The cost of free assistance: Why low-income individuals do not access food pantries
K Fong, RA Wright, C Wimer
J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 43, 71, 2016
Progress on poverty? New estimates of historical trends using an anchored supplemental poverty measure
C Wimer, L Fox, I Garfinkel, N Kaushal, J Waldfogel
Demography 53, 1207-1218, 2016
Do neighborhood and home contexts help explain why low-income children miss opportunities to participate in activities outside of school?
E Dearing, C Wimer, SD Simpkins, T Lund, SM Bouffard, P Caronongan, ...
Developmental psychology 45 (6), 1545, 2009
Monthly poverty rates in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
Z Parolin, M Curran, J Matsudaira, J Waldfogel, C Wimer
Poverty and social policy working paper, center on poverty & social policy, 2020
The initial effects of the expanded child tax credit on material hardship
Z Parolin, E Ananat, SM Collyer, M Curran, C Wimer
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Poverty in the United States: 50-year trends and safety net impacts
A Chaudry, C Wimer, S Macartney, L Frohlich, C Campbell, K Swenson, ...
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 2016
What Are Kids Getting into These Days? Demographic Differences in Youth Out-of School Time Participation.
C Wimer, SM Bouffard, P Caronongan, E Dearing, S Simpkins, P Little, ...
Harvard Family Research Project, Harvard University, 2006
The Great Recession’s influence on fertility, marriage, divorce, and cohabitation
SP Morgan, E Cumberworth, C Wimer
The great recession, 220-245, 2011
Forecasting estimates of poverty during the COVID-19 crisis
Z Parolin, C Wimer
Poverty and Social Policy Brief 4 (8), 1-18, 2020
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Articles 1–20