Evan W. Carr
Evan W. Carr
Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon
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Vagal activity is quadratically related to prosocial traits, prosocial emotions, and observer perceptions of prosociality.
A Kogan, C Oveis, EW Carr, J Gruber, IB Mauss, A Shallcross, EA Impett, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 107 (6), 1051, 2014
The Value of Belonging at Work
EW Carr, A Reece, GR Kellerman, A Robichaux
Harvard Business Review,, 2019
Transforming the mirror: power fundamentally changes facial responding to emotional expressions.
EW Carr, P Winkielman, C Oveis
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (3), 997, 2014
When mirroring is both simple and “smart”: how mimicry can be embodied, adaptive, and non-representational
EW Carr, P Winkielman
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 (1-7), 1, 2014
Are you smiling, or have I seen you before? Familiarity makes faces look happier
EW Carr, TF Brady, P Winkielman
Psychological Science 28 (8), 1087-1102, 2017
Facial expressions of authenticity: Emotion variability increases judgments of trustworthiness and leadership
ML Slepian, EW Carr
Cognition 183, 82-98, 2019
Johnny Depp, Reconsidered: How Category-Relative Processing Fluency Determines the Appeal of Gender Ambiguity
HE Owen, J Halberstadt, EW Carr, P Winkielman
PloS One 11 (2), e0146328, 2016
Embodiment of emotion and its situated nature
EW Carr, A Kever, P Winkielman
The Oxford Handbook of Cognition: Embodied, Embedded, Enactive, and Extended, 2018
The ugliness-in-averageness effect: Tempering the warm glow of familiarity
EW Carr, DE Huber, D Pecher, R Zeelenberg, J Halberstadt, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2017
Easy Moves: Perceptual Fluency Facilitates Approach-Related Action.
EW Carr, M Rotteveel, P Winkielman
Emotion, 2016
Is That a Human? Categorization (Dis)Fluency Drives Evaluations of Agents Ambiguous on Human-Likeness
EW Carr, G Hofree, K Sheldon, AP Saygin, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2017
The two sides of spontaneity: Movement onset asymmetries in facial expressions influence social judgments
EW Carr, S Korb, PM Niedenthal, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 55, 31-36, 2014
Beyond Hedonia: 5 Keys to Enhancing Workplace Well-Being at Scale
H Black, S Greenberg, K Saulsgiver, E Sinar, A Reece, E Carr, ...
American Journal of Health Promotion 33 (8), 1212-1217, 2019
Stressed connections: cortisol levels following acute psychosocial stress disrupt affiliative mimicry in humans
JP Nitschke, CS Sunahara, EW Carr, P Winkielman, JC Pruessner, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1927), 20192941, 2020
Status and Power Do Not Modulate Automatic Imitation of Intransitive Hand Movements
H Farmer, EW Carr, M Svartdal, P Winkielman, AFC Hamilton
PloS One 11 (4), e0151835, 2016
Category Structure Determines the Relative Attractiveness of Global Versus Local Averages.
T Vogel, EW Carr, T Davis, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2017
Mimicry, emotion, and social context: insights from typical and atypical humans, robots, and androids
P Winkielman, EW Carr, B Chakrabarti, G Hofree, LC Kavanagh
Emotional Mimicry in Social Context, 162-191, 2016
Outcasts and saboteurs: Intervention strategies to reduce the negative effects of social exclusion on team outcomes
A Reece, EW Carr, RF Baumeister, GR Kellerman
Plos one 16 (5), e0249851, 2021
The buffering effects of virtual coaching during crisis: A quasi-experimental study of changes in well-being, work, and social outcomes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EM Auer, D Hutchinson, E Eatough, EW Carr, EF Sinar, G Kellerman
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring 20 (2), 2022
Dissociable effects of averted “gaze” on the priming of bodily representations and motor actions
EW Carr, G Bird, C Catmur, P Winkielman
Acta Psychologica 212, 103225, 2021
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Articles 1–20