Brigitte Tenhumberg
Brigitte Tenhumberg
Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska
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Improving precision and reducing bias in biological surveys: estimating false‐negative error rates
AJ Tyre, B Tenhumberg, SA Field, D Niejalke, K Parris, HP Possingham
Ecological Applications 13 (6), 1790-1801, 2003
Syrphids as natural enemies of cereal aphids in Germany: aspects of their biology and efficacy in different years and regions
B Tenhumberg, HM Poehling
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 52 (1), 39-43, 1995
Feeding and survival in parasitic wasps: sugar concentration and timing matter
G Siekmann, B Tenhumberg, MA Keller
Oikos 95 (3), 425-430, 2001
Linking wild and captive populations to maximize species persistence: optimal translocation strategies
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, K Shea, HP Possingham
Conservation Biology 18 (5), 1304-1314, 2004
Estimating Predatory Efficiency of Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Cereal Fields
B Tenhumberg
Environmental Entomology 24 (3), 687-691, 1995
Do harvest refuges buffer kangaroos against evolutionary responses to selective harvesting?
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, AR Pople, HP Possingham
Ecology 85 (7), 2003-2017, 2004
Optimal time allocation in parasitic wasps searching for hosts and food
B Tenhumberg, G Siekmann, MA Keller
Oikos 113 (1), 121-131, 2006
The Sweet Tooth of Adult Parasitoid Cotesia rubecula: Ignoring Hosts for Nectar?
G Siekmann, MA Keller, B Tenhumberg
Journal of Insect Behavior 17, 459-476, 2004
Estimating the frequency of Cry1F resistance in field populations of the European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
BD Siegfried, M Rangasamy, H Wang, T Spencer, CV Haridas, ...
Pest management science 70 (5), 725-733, 2014
Model complexity affects transient population dynamics following a dispersal event: a case study with pea aphids
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, R Rebarber
Ecology 90 (7), 1878-1890, 2009
Time‐lagged effects of weather on plant demography: drought and Astragalus scaphoides
B Tenhumberg, EE Crone, S Ramula, AJ Tyre
Ecology 99 (4), 915-925, 2018
Contributions of demography and dispersal parameters to the spatial spread of a stage‐structured insect invasion
TEX Miller, B Tenhumberg
Ecological Applications 20 (3), 620-633, 2010
Herbivore-mediated ecological costs of reproduction shape the life history of an iteroparous plant
TEX Miller, B Tenhumberg, SM Louda
The American Naturalist 171 (2), 141-149, 2008
Does masting scale with plant size? High reproductive variability and low synchrony in small and unproductive individuals
M Bogdziewicz, J Szymkowiak, R Calama, EE Crone, JM Espelta, ...
Annals of botany 126 (5), 971-979, 2020
Monte Carlo analysis of parameter uncertainty in matrix models for the weed Cirsium vulgare
B Tenhumberg, SM Louda, JO Eckberg, M Takahashi
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (2), 438-447, 2008
Feedback control systems analysis of density dependent population dynamics
S Townley, R Rebarber, B Tenhumberg
Systems & Control Letters 61 (2), 309-315, 2012
Management recommendations based on matrix projection models: the importance of considering biological limits
J Lubben, B Tenhumberg, A Tyre, R Rebarber
Biological Conservation 141 (2), 517-523, 2008
Life-history decisions under predation risk: importance of a game perspective
A Bouskila, ME Robinson, BD Roitberg, B Tenhumberg
Evolutionary Ecology 12, 701-715, 1998
Composite random search strategies based on non-directional sensory cues
BC Nolting, TM Hinkelman, CE Brassil, B Tenhumberg
Ecological Complexity 22, 126-138, 2015
Effects of virus on plant fecundity and population dynamics
HR Prendeville, B Tenhumberg, D Pilson
New Phytologist 202 (4), 1346-1356, 2014
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Articles 1–20