Ung San Ahn
Ung San Ahn
Research Department for Hallasan, World Heritage Office, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
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Jeju Island Geopark-a volcanic wonder of Korea
KS Woo, YK Sohn, SH Yoon, U San Ahn, A Spate
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Stratigraphy and age of the human footprints-bearing strata in Jeju Island, Korea: Controversies and new findings
YK Sohn, WS Yoon, US Ahn, GB Kim, JH Lee, CK Ryu, YM Jeon, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4, 264-275, 2015
The inference about the cause of death of Korean Fir in Mt. Halla through the analysis of spatial dying pattern - Proposing the possibility of excess soil moisture by climate …
US Ahn, YS Kim, Dae Sin, Yun, SH Ko, IS Kim, Kwon Su, Cho
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 21 (1), 1~28, 2019
A review of geological characteristics of Gotjawal terrain in Jelu Island: Preliminary Study
Y Jeon, US Ahn, CG Ryu, SS Kang, ST Song
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 48 (5), 425-434, 2012
Geochemical characteristics of mineral phases in the mantle xenoliths from Sunheul-ri, Jeju Island
YW Kil, HJ Shin, SH Yun, JS Koh, US Ahn
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea 21 (4), 373-382, 2008
Study of the last volcanic activity on historical records on Jeju Island, Korea
US Ahn
Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 25, 69-83, 2016
Geochemical fingerprinting of basaltic glass in tephra deposits underlying the human footprints-bearing strata in Jeju Island, Korea: Provenance of tephra and age of the human …
US Ahn, YK Sohn, WS Yoon, CK Ryu, JO Jeong, CW Kang
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 51 (2), 105-126, 2015
Causes of decline in the Korean fir based on spatial distribution in the Mt. Halla region in Korea: A meta-analysis
US Ahn, YS Yun
Forests 11 (4), 391, 2020
청송 남. 동부 무포산응회암의 흐름 지시자로부터 유향 결정
안웅산, 황상구
자원환경지질 40 (3), 319-330, 2007
Zircon double-dating of Quaternary eruptions on Jeju Island, South Korea
RC Marsden, M Danišík, U San Ahn, B Friedrichs, AK Schmitt, CL Kirkland, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 410, 107171, 2021
Volcanological history of the Baengnokdam summit crater area, Mt. Halla in Jeju Island, Korea.
US Ahn, SS Hong
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 26 (3), 221-234, 2017
Formation and internal structures of the Geomunorm Lava Tube System in the northeastern Jeju Island
SH Hwang, S. K., Ahn, U. S., Lee, M. W., & Yun
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 41 (3), 385-400, 2005
Chronostratigraphic implication of the Yucheon Group in Gyeongsang basin
황상구, 김상욱, 김성규, 안웅산, 조인화, 이소진, 김정진
지질학회지 55 (5), 633-647, 2019
The Major causes of Gotjawal formation in Jeju Island
US Ahn, YK Sohn, SS Kang, YM Jeon, HS Choi
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 51, 1-19, 2015
Eruption timing of the Geomun Oreum through the comparison of radiocarbon and quartz OSL ages
US Ahn, JH Choi, EY Yeo
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 53 (3), 367-376, 2017
Study on source of lava flows forming the Manjanggul Lava Tube
US Ahn, SK Hwang
Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 18 (3), 237-253, 2009
Geochemistry and tectonic implications of Triassic Bojangsan trachyte in the southern margin of the Imjingang Belt, Korea
SK Hwang, US Ahn
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 26 (2), 113-125, 2017
Lithofacies and multiphase emplacement in the Andong batholith
황상구, 장태우, 김정민, 안웅산, 이보현
지질학회지 38 (1), 51-65, 2002
Quartz OSL dating of palaeosols intercalated with basaltic lava flows and scoria deposits from monogenetic volcanoes in northeastern Jeju Island, Korea
EY Yeo, JH Choi, US Ahn, AC Cheong
Geosciences Journal 23, 881-894, 2019
Very young Gotjawal lavas(aged < ca. 10 ka) on Jeju Island, Korea: The major causes of Gotjawal formation
US Ahn, HS Choi
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 52, 433-441, 2016
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Articles 1–20