Jessie Bennett
Jessie Bennett
University of New Hampshire, Recreation Management & Policy
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Outcomes of adaptive sports and recreation participation among veterans returning from combat with acquired disability
N Lundberg, J Bennett, S Smith
Therapeutic recreation journal 45 (2), 105-120, 2011
Participation in outdoor recreation program predicts improved psychosocial well-being among veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: A pilot study
EJ Vella, B Milligan, JL Bennett
Military medicine 178 (3), 254-260, 2013
Veteran stories, PTSD effects and therapeutic fly-fishing
RA Mowatt, J Bennett
Ther Recreation J 45 (4), 286-308, 2011
Outcomes of a therapeutic fly-fishing program for veterans with combat-related disabilities: A community-based rehabilitation initiative
JL Bennett, JA Piatt, M Van Puymbroeck
Community mental health journal 53, 756-765, 2017
Addressing posttraumatic stress among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and significant others: An intervention utilizing sport and recreation
JL Bennett, NR Lundberg, R Zabriskie, D Eggett
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 48 (1), 74, 2014
Veterans' Perceptions of Benefits and Important Program Components of a Therapeutic Fly-Fishing Program.
JL Bennett, M Van Puymbroeck, JA Piatt, RJ Rydell
Therapeutic recreation journal 48 (2), 2014
Preliminary long-term health outcomes associated with recreation-based health and wellness programs for injured service members
J Townsend, BL Hawkins, JL Bennett, J Hoffman, T Martin, E Sotherden, ...
Cogent Psychology 5 (1), 1444330, 2018
The Transformative Nature of Fly-Fishing for Veterans and Military Personnel with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
PJ Craig, DM Alger, JL Bennett, TP Martin
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 54 (2), 2020
Military service members
J Townsend, BL Hawkins, JL Bennett, D Tysor
Sagamore-Venture Publishing, 2020
Interventions that effect active living among individuals with spinal cord injury
J Piatt, DM Compton, M Sara Wells, JL Bennett
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 46 (1), 9, 2012
Person-first philosophy in therapeutic recreation
MA Devine, JL Bennett
Human Kinetics, 2020
An examination of therapeutic recreation programs for veterans with combat-related disabilities and their families
JL Bennett
Indiana University, 2013
Northeast Passage PATH (TM) program: A strengths-based and recovery-oriented approach for veterans who experience mental health disorders
CV Thompson, JL Bennett, JR Sable, J Gravink
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 50 (2), 138, 2016
Community-Based Recreational Therapy for Veterans with Behavioral Health Disorders: Impacts on Quality of Life, Participation, and Happiness
JL Bennett, P Craig, S Aytur, T Thompson, HS Roscoe, J Gravink
Community Mental Health Journal 58 (8), 1477-1486, 2022
If you don't measure it, you won't improve it: The advancement of recreational therapy through collaborative research
JL Bennett, JA Piatt, J Townsend, J Taylor
American Journal of Recreation Therapy 16 (3), 7-15, 2017
Posttraumatic growth and reduced PTSD for veterans through recreation
J Bennett, J Townsend, M Van Puymbroeck, B Gillette, SVA Sports
Addressing Posttraumatic Stress Among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans and Their Significant Others: An Intervention Utilizing Sport and Recreation
JL Bennett
Brigham Young University, 2010
Healing Hives: Exploring the Effects of Beekeeping on Veteran Mental Health and Quality of Life
V Carter, A Ingrao, JL Bennett, C Gould
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 58 (4), 2024
Impacting mental health: Adaptive snowsports as a therapeutic approach for veterans with combat-related disabilities and their significant others
JL Bennett, M Van Puymbroeck, JA Piatt
American Journal of Recreation Therapy 23 (2), 27-41, 2024
Physical Activity Participation, Quality of Life, and Behavioral Health Disorders for Veterans with PTSD
K McDonagh, J Bennett, S Geden
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 58 (1), 2024
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Articles 1–20