Adan Ernesto Vela
Adan Ernesto Vela
University of Central Florida
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Cited by
A mixed integer program for flight-level assignment and speed control for conflict resolution
A Vela, S Solak, W Singhose, JP Clarke
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Well-clear recommendation for small unmanned aircraft systems based on unmitigated collision risk
A Weinert, S Campbell, A Vela, D Schuldt, J Kurucar
Journal of air transportation 26 (3), 113-122, 2018
Near real-time fuel-optimal en route conflict resolution
AE Vela, S Solak, JPB Clarke, WE Singhose, ER Barnes, EL Johnson
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (4), 826-837, 2010
Aircraft proximity maps based on data-driven flow modeling
E Salaun, M Gariel, AE Vela, E Feron
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 35 (2), 563-577, 2012
Air traffic flow management in the presence of uncertainty
J Clarke, S Solak, Y Chang, L Ren, A Vela
Proceedings of the 8th USA/Europe Air Traffic Seminar (ATM’09) 2 (3), 2009
Data-based modeling and optimization of en route traffic
A Marzuoli, M Gariel, A Vela, E Feron
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (6), 1930-1945, 2014
A two-stage stochastic optimization model for air traffic conflict resolution under wind uncertainty
AE Vela, E Salaun, S Solak, E Feron, W Singhose, JP Clarke
2009 IEEE/AIAA 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2. E. 5-1-2. E. 5-13, 2009
Determining stochastic airspace capacity for air traffic flow management
JPB Clarke, S Solak, L Ren, AE Vela
Transportation Science 47 (4), 542-559, 2013
A fuel optimal and reduced controller workload optimization model for conflict resolution
AE Vela, S Solak, E Feron, K Feigh, W Singhose, JP Clarke
2009 IEEE/AIAA 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 3. C. 3-1-3. C. 3-16, 2009
Review of systems-theoretic process analysis (STPA) method and results to support NextGen concept assessment and validation
E Harkleroad, A Vela, J Kuchar
Project Report: ATC-427, MIT, Lincoln Laboratory, Washington, DC, Oct 25 …, 2013
Application of Hidden Markov Models to Quantify the Impact of Enrollment Patterns on Student Performance.
S Boumi, A Vela
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2019
Quantifying the relationship between student enrollment patterns and student performance
S Boumi, A Vela, J Chini
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10874, 2020
En route traffic optimization to reduce environmental impact
JPB Clark, M Lowther, L Ren, W Singhose, S Solak, A Vela, L Wong
Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction, 2008
Airspace complexity estimations based on data-driven flow modeling
E Salaün, M Gariel, A Vela, E Feron, JP Clarke
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 8074, 2010
En-route arrival time prediction using gaussian mixture model
H Paek, K Lee, AE Vela
Proceedings of the ICRAT, 2020
Improving graduation rate estimates using regularly updating multi-level absorbing markov chains
S Boumi, AE Vela
Education Sciences 10 (12), 377, 2020
Risk-based modeling to support nextgen concept assessment and validation
E Harkleroad, A Vela, J Kuchar, B Barnett, R Merchant-Bennett
Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, Project Report ATC-405, 2013
Understanding conflict-resolution taskload: implementing advisory conflict-detection and resolution algorithms in an airspace
AE Vela
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011
Collision avoidance system optimization for closely spaced parallel operations through surrogate modeling
KA Smith, M Kochenderfer, WA Olson, AE Vela
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) conference, 4624, 2013
Formulation of reduced-taskload optimization models for conflict resolution
A Vela, KM Feigh, S Solak, W Singhose, JP Clarke
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20