Houyuan Jiang
Houyuan Jiang
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
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Staff scheduling and rostering: A review of applications, methods and models
AT Ernst, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy, D Sier
European journal of operational research 153 (1), 3-27, 2004
An annotated bibliography of personnel scheduling and rostering
AT Ernst, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy, B Owens, D Sier
Annals of Operations Research 127 (1), 21-144, 2004
A smoothing method for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
F Facchinei, H Jiang, L Qi
Mathematical programming 85 (1), 107-134, 1999
Uncapacitated single and multiple allocation p-hub center problems
AT Ernst, H Hamacher, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy, G Woeginger
Computers & Operations Research 36 (7), 2230-2241, 2009
Stochastic approximation approaches to the stochastic variational inequality problem
H Jiang, H Xu
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 53 (6), 1462-1475, 2008
A new nonsmooth equations approach to nonlinear complementarity problems
H Jiang, L Qi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (1), 178-193, 1997
Smooth SQP methods for mathematical programs with nonlinear complementarity constraints
H Jiang, D Ralph
SIAM Journal on Optimization 10 (3), 779-808, 2000
Semismooth Karush-Kuhn-Tucker equations and convergence analysis of Newton and quasi-Newton methods for solving these equations
L Qi, H Jiang
Mathematics of Operations Research 22 (2), 301-325, 1997
A trust region method for solving generalized complementarity problems
H Jiang, M Fukushima, L Qi, D Sun
SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 (1), 140-157, 1998
Performance-Based Contracts for Outpatient Medical Services
H Jiang, Z Pang, S Savin
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14 (2), 654-669, 2012
An integrated optimization model for train crew management
AT Ernst, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy, H Nott, D Sier
Annals of Operations Research 108 (1), 211-224, 2001
Reformulations and computational results for uncapacitated single and multiple allocation hub covering problems
AT Ernst, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy
Unpublished Report, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences, Australia, 2005
TECHNICAL NOTE—Robust Newsvendor Competition Under Asymmetric Information
H Jiang, S Netessine, S Savin
Operations research 59 (1), 254-261, 2011
QPECgen, a MATLAB generator for mathematical programs with quadratic objectives and affine variational inequality constraints
H Jiang, D Ralph
Computational Optimization and Applications 13 (1), 25-59, 1999
Unconstrained minimization approaches to nonlinear complementarity problems
H Jiang
Journal of Global Optimization 9 (2), 169-181, 1996
Supply Chain Thinking in Healthcare: Lessons and Outlooks
L Betcheva, F Erhun, H Jiang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020
A continuation method for (strongly) monotone variational inequalities
C Kanzow, H Jiang
Mathematical Programming 81 (1), 103-125, 1998
Exact solutions to task allocation problems
A Ernst, H Jiang, M Krishnamoorthy
Management science 52 (10), 1634-1646, 2006
Smoothed Fischer-Burmeister equation methods for the complementarity problem
H Jiang
Department of Mathematics, The University of Melbourne (Australia, 1997
Local uniqueness and convergence of iterative methods for nonsmooth variational inequalities
HY Jiang, LQ Qi
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 196 (1), 314-331, 1995
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Articles 1–20