Lars Fehren-Schmitz
Lars Fehren-Schmitz
UCSC Dept. of Anthropology; UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute
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Cited by
Ancient mitochondrial DNA provides high-resolution time scale of the peopling of the Americas
B Llamas, L Fehren-Schmitz, G Valverde, J Soubrier, S Mallick, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501385, 2016
Reconstructing the deep population history of Central and South America
C Posth, N Nakatsuka, I Lazaridis, P Skoglund, S Mallick, TC Lamnidis, ...
Cell 175 (5), 1185-1197. e22, 2018
From the field to the laboratory: Controlling DNA contamination in human ancient DNA research in the high-throughput sequencing era
B Llamas, G Valverde, L Fehren-Schmitz, LS Weyrich, A Cooper, W Haak
STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research 3 (1), 1-14, 2017
Native Americans experienced a strong population bottleneck coincident with European contact
BD O'Fallon, L Fehren-Schmitz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (51), 20444-20448, 2011
Current evidence allows multiple models for the peopling of the Americas
BA Potter, JF Baichtal, AB Beaudoin, L Fehren-Schmitz, CV Haynes, ...
Science Advances 4 (8), eaat5473, 2018
Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines
S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, D Anthony, H Babiker, E Bánffy, T Booth, ...
Nature 599 (7883), 41-46, 2021
Emerging genetic patterns of the European Neolithic: perspectives from a late Neolithic Bell Beaker burial site in Germany
EJ Lee, C Makarewicz, R Renneberg, M Harder, B Krause‐Kyora, ...
American journal of physical anthropology 148 (4), 571-579, 2012
A paleogenomic reconstruction of the deep population history of the Andes
N Nakatsuka, I Lazaridis, C Barbieri, P Skoglund, N Rohland, S Mallick, ...
Cell 181 (5), 1131-1145. e21, 2020
Climate change underlies global demographic, genetic, and cultural transitions in pre-Columbian southern Peru
L Fehren-Schmitz, W Haak, B Mächtle, F Masch, B Llamas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (26), 9443-9448, 2014
Pre‐Columbian population dynamics in coastal southern Peru: A diachronic investigation of mtDNA patterns in the Palpa region by ancient DNA analysis
L Fehren‐Schmitz, M Reindel, ET Cagigao, S Hummel, B Herrmann
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2010
Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution
A Kocher, L Papac, R Barquera, FM Key, MA Spyrou, R Hübler, ...
Science 374 (6564), 182-188, 2021
A mass sacrifice of children and camelids at the Huanchaquito-Las Llamas site, Moche Valley, Peru
G Prieto, JW Verano, N Goepfert, D Kennett, J Quilter, S LeBlanc, ...
PLoS One 14 (3), e0211691, 2019
Diachronic investigations of mitochondrial and Y‐chromosomal genetic markers in Pre‐Columbian Andean highlanders from South Peru
L Fehren‐Schmitz, O Warnberg, M Reindel, V Seidenberg, ...
Annals of human genetics 75 (2), 266-283, 2011
The current genomic landscape of western south America: Andes, amazonia, and Pacific coast
C Barbieri, R Barquera, L Arias, JR Sandoval, O Acosta, C Zurita, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (12), 2698-2713, 2019
A re-appraisal of the early Andean human remains from Lauricocha in Peru
L Fehren-Schmitz, B Llamas, S Lindauer, E Tomasto-Cagigao, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0127141, 2015
Genetic ancestry of Rapanui before and after European contact
L Fehren-Schmitz, CL Jarman, KM Harkins, M Kayser, BN Popp, ...
Current Biology 27 (20), 3209-3215. e6, 2017
Ancient DNA reveals selection acting on genes associated with hypoxia response in pre-Columbian Peruvian Highlanders in the last 8500 years
L Fehren-Schmitz, L Georges
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23485, 2016
Integration of ancient DNA with transdisciplinary dataset finds strong support for Inca resettlement in the south Peruvian coast
JL Bongers, N Nakatsuka, C O’Shea, TK Harper, H Tantaleán, C Stanish, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (31), 18359-18368, 2020
Ancient DNA analysis suggests negligible impact of the Wari empire expansion in Peru’s central coast during the Middle Horizon
G Valverde, MI Barreto Romero, I Flores Espinoza, A Cooper, ...
PLoS One 11 (6), e0155508, 2016
A new miniSTR heptaplex system for genetic fingerprinting of ancient DNA from archaeological human bone
V Seidenberg, F Schilz, D Pfister, L Georges, L Fehren-Schmitz, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (10), 3224-3229, 2012
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Articles 1–20