Nadine Asenbaum-Dörre
Nadine Asenbaum-Dörre
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A universal matter-wave interferometer with optical ionization gratings in the time domain
P Haslinger, N Dörre, P Geyer, J Rodewald, S Nimmrichter, M Arndt
Nature physics 9 (3), 144-148, 2013
Phase-matched extreme-ultraviolet frequency-comb generation
G Porat, CM Heyl, SB Schoun, C Benko, N Dörre, KL Corwin, J Ye
Nature Photonics 12 (7), 387-391, 2018
Photofragmentation beam splitters for matter-wave interferometry
N Dörre, J Rodewald, P Geyer, B von Issendorff, P Haslinger, M Arndt
Physical review letters 113 (23), 233001, 2014
Perspectives for quantum interference with biomolecules and biomolecular clusters
P Geyer, U Sezer, J Rodewald, L Mairhofer, N Dörre, P Haslinger, ...
Physica Scripta 91 (6), 063007, 2016
Matter-wave interferometry with composite quantum objects
M Arndt, N Dörre, S Eibenberger, P Haslinger, J Rodewald, K Hornberger, ...
Atom Interferometry, Proceedings of the International School of Physics …, 2014
Isotope-selective high-order interferometry with large organic molecules in free fall
J Rodewald, N Dörre, A Grimaldi, P Geyer, L Felix, M Mayor, A Shayeghi, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (3), 033016, 2018
New avenues for matter-wave-enhanced spectroscopy
J Rodewald, P Haslinger, N Dörre, BA Stickler, A Shayeghi, K Hornberger, ...
Applied Physics B 123 (1), 3, 2017
Refined model for Talbot–Lau matter-wave optics with pulsed photodepletion gratings
N Dörre, P Haslinger, J Rodewald, P Geyer, M Arndt
JOSA B 32 (1), 114-120, 2015
New avenues for matter-wave-enhanced spectroscopy
J Rodewald, P Haslinger, N Dörre, BA Stickler, A Shayeghi, K Hornberger, ...
Exploring the World with the Laser, 21-34, 2018
Time-domain matter-wave interferometry with clusters and large molecules
N Dörre
uniwien, 2015
Power scaling of extreme ultraviolet frequency combs to the mW level per high harmonic
G Porat, CM Heyl, SB Schoun, C Benko, N Dörre, K Corwin, J Ye
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Peptides and proteins in matter wave interferometry: Challenges and prospects
U Sezer, P Geyer, L Mairhofer, C Brand, N Doerre, J Rodewald, J Schaetti, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2016
A time domain matter-wave interferometer for testing the mass limits of quantum mechanics
J Rodewald, N Doerre, P Geyer, P Haslinger, M Arndt
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2015
Quantum Interference of Clusters and Large Molecules
N Dörre
Frontiers in Optics, FS1A. 3, 2013
Quantum superposition of massive molecules and molecular clusters in the time-domain
P Haslinger, N Doerre, J Rodewald, P Geyer, S Nimmrichter, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2013
An ionizing time domain matter-wave interferometer
N Doerre, P Haslinger, P Geyer, J Rodewald, S Nimmrichter, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2012
Design and development of an optical matter wave interferometer
N Dörre
uniwien, 2010
Quantum interferometry in the time-domain with massive particles
P Geyer, N Dörre, P Haslinger, J Rodewald, S Nimmrichter, M Arndt
Matter wave interferometry with clusters in the time-domain
P Geyer, N Dörre, P Haslinger, J Rodewald, S Nimmrichter, M Arndt
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Articles 1–19