Sean Williams
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Cited by
Kinesio taping in treatment and prevention of sports injuries: a meta-analysis of the evidence for its effectiveness
S Williams, C Whatman, PA Hume, K Sheerin
Sports medicine 42, 153-164, 2012
A meta-analysis of injuries in senior men’s professional Rugby Union
S Williams, G Trewartha, S Kemp, K Stokes
Sports medicine 43, 1043-1055, 2013
The influence of in-season training loads on injury risk in professional rugby union
MJ Cross, S Williams, G Trewartha, SPT Kemp, KA Stokes
International journal of sports physiology and performance 11 (3), 350-355, 2016
Better way to determine the acute: chronic workload ratio?
S Williams, S West, MJ Cross, KA Stokes
British journal of sports medicine 51 (3), 209-210, 2017
Reducing musculoskeletal injury and concussion risk in schoolboy rugby players with a pre-activity movement control exercise programme: a cluster randomised controlled trial
MD Hislop, KA Stokes, S Williams, CD McKay, ME England, SPT Kemp, ...
British journal of sports medicine 51 (15), 1140-1146, 2017
A review of football injuries on third and fourth generation artificial turfs compared with natural turf
S Williams, PA Hume, S Kara
Sports medicine 41, 903-923, 2011
Time loss injuries compromise team success in Elite Rugby Union: a 7-year prospective study
S Williams, G Trewartha, SPT Kemp, JHM Brooks, CW Fuller, AE Taylor, ...
British journal of sports medicine 50 (11), 651-656, 2016
Rates and risk factors of injury in CrossFit: a prospective cohort study
S Moran, H Booker, J Staines, S Williams
J Sports Med Phys Fitness 57 (9), 1147-1153, 2017
Monitoring what matters: a systematic process for selecting training-load measures
S Williams, G Trewartha, MJ Cross, SPT Kemp, KA Stokes
International journal of sports physiology and performance 12 (s2), S2-101 …, 2017
Tackling concussion in professional rugby union: a case–control study of tackle-based risk factors and recommendations for primary prevention
MJ Cross, R Tucker, M Raftery, B Hester, S Williams, KA Stokes, ...
British journal of sports medicine 53 (16), 1021-1025, 2019
Effect of Number of Sprints in a SIT Session on Change in V O2max: A Meta Analysis
NBJ Vollaard, R Metcalfe, S Williams
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 49 (6), 1147-1156, 2017
Growing pains: Maturity associated variation in injury risk in academy football
DM Johnson, S Williams, B Bradley, S Sayer, J Murray Fisher, S Cumming
European journal of sport science 20 (4), 544-552, 2020
Trends in match injury risk in professional male rugby union: a 16-season review of 10 851 match injuries in the English Premiership (2002–2019): the Professional Rugby Injury …
SW West, L Starling, S Kemp, S Williams, M Cross, A Taylor, JHM Brooks, ...
British journal of sports medicine 55 (12), 676-682, 2021
Heart rate variability is a moderating factor in the workload-injury relationship of competitive crossfit™ athletes
S Williams, T Booton, M Watson, D Rowland, M Altini
Journal of sports science & medicine 16 (4), 443, 2017
How much rugby is too much? A seven-season prospective cohort study of match exposure and injury risk in professional rugby union players
S Williams, G Trewartha, SPT Kemp, JHM Brooks, CW Fuller, AE Taylor, ...
Sports medicine 47, 2395-2402, 2017
Patellar tendinopathy and potential risk factors: an international database of cases and controls
S Morton, S Williams, X Valle, D Diaz-Cueli, P Malliaras, D Morrissey
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 27 (5), 468-474, 2017
Energy balance components in persons with paraplegia: daily variation and appropriate measurement duration
TE Nightingale, S Williams, D Thompson, JLJ Bilzon
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14, 1-11, 2017
The peak duration-specific locomotor demands and concurrent collision frequencies of European Super League rugby
D Weaving, T Sawczuk, S Williams, T Scott, K Till, C Beggs, RD Johnston, ...
Journal of sports sciences 37 (3), 322-330, 2019
Injuries in elite men’s rugby union: an updated (2012–2020) meta-analysis of 11,620 match and training injuries
S Williams, C Robertson, L Starling, C McKay, S West, J Brown, K Stokes
Sports medicine, 1-14, 2022
Injury epidemiology in professional ballet: a five-season prospective study of 1596 medical attention injuries and 543 time-loss injuries
AM Mattiussi, JW Shaw, S Williams, PDB Price, DD Brown, DD Cohen, ...
British journal of sports medicine 55 (15), 843-850, 2021
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