Matt Michaels
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Cited by
The interpersonal theory of suicide: A systematic review and meta-analysis of a decade of cross-national research.
C Chu, JM Buchman-Schmitt, IH Stanley, MA Hom, RP Tucker, CR Hagan, ...
Psychological bulletin 143 (12), 1313, 2017
Suicidal ideation in transgender people: Gender minority stress and interpersonal theory factors.
RJ Testa, MS Michaels, W Bliss, ML Rogers, KF Balsam, T Joiner
Journal of abnormal psychology 126 (1), 125, 2017
Does exposure to muscularity-idealizing images have self-objectification consequences for heterosexual and sexual minority men?
MS Michaels, MC Parent, B Moradi
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 14 (2), 175, 2013
Construct validity of a proposed new diagnostic entity: Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance (ASAD)
RP Tucker, MS Michaels, ML Rogers, LRR Wingate, TE Joiner Jr
Journal of affective disorders 189, 365-378, 2016
A minority stress model for suicidal ideation in gay men
MS Michaels, MC Parent, CL Torrey
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 46 (1), 23-34, 2016
“HIV testing is so gay”: The role of masculine gender role conformity in HIV testing among men who have sex with men.
MC Parent, C Torrey, MS Michaels
Journal of counseling psychology 59 (3), 465, 2012
Investigating insomnia as a cross-sectional and longitudinal predictor of loneliness: Findings from six samples
MA Hom, JL Hames, LP Bodell, JM Buchman-Schmitt, C Chu, ML Rogers, ...
Psychiatry research 253, 116-128, 2017
Acute suicidal affective disturbance: Factorial structure and initial validation across psychiatric outpatient and inpatient samples
ML Rogers, B Chiurliza, CR Hagan, M Tzoneva, JL Hames, MS Michaels, ...
Journal of affective disorders 211, 1-11, 2017
The role of stressful life events preceding death by suicide: Evidence from two samples of suicide decedents
JM Buchman-Schmitt, C Chu, MS Michaels, JL Hames, C Silva, ...
Psychiatry research 256, 345-352, 2017
Anxiety, depression, and the interpersonal theory of suicide in a community sample of adults with autism spectrum disorder
D Dow, L Morgan, JL Hooker, MS Michaels, TE Joiner, J Woods, ...
Archives of Suicide Research 25 (2), 297-314, 2021
Considerations regarding online methods for suicide‐related research and suicide risk assessment
MS Michaels, C Chu, C Silva, BE Schulman, T Joiner
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 45 (1), 10-17, 2015
Discussing disgust: The role of disgust with life in suicide
C Chu, JM Buchman-Schmitt, MS Michaels, JD Ribeiro, T Joiner
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 6 (3), 235-247, 2013
Suicidality in adolescent populations: A review of the extant literature through the lens of the interpersonal theory of suicide.
JM Buchman-Schmitt, B Chiurliza, C Chu, MS Michaels, TE Joiner
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy 9 (3), 26, 2014
Insomnia brings soldiers into mental health treatment, predicts treatment engagement, and outperforms other suicide-related symptoms as a predictor of major depressive episodes
MA Hom, IC Lim, IH Stanley, B Chiurliza, MC Podlogar, MS Michaels, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 79, 108-115, 2016
Total sleep time as a predictor of suicidal behaviour
MS Michaels, T Balthrop, MR Nadorff, TE Joiner
Journal of sleep research 26 (6), 732-738, 2017
Manifestations of overarousal account for the association between cognitive anxiety sensitivity and suicidal ideation
ML Rogers, RP Tucker, KC Law, MS Michaels, MD Anestis, TE Joiner
Journal of Affective Disorders 192, 116-124, 2016
Dangerous words? An experimental investigation of the impact of detailed reporting about suicide on subsequent risk
MD Anestis, CJ Bryan, AM May, KC Law, CR Hagan, ABO Bryan, C Chu, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 71 (10), 1031-1041, 2015
Acquired capability for suicide among individuals with American Indian/Alaska Native backgrounds within the military.
B Chiurliza, MS Michaels, TE Joiner
American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the …, 2016
Is the higher number of suicide attempts in bipolar disorder vs. major depressive disorder attributable to illness severity?
MS Michaels, T Balthrop, A Pulido, MD Rudd, TE Joiner
Archives of Suicide Research 22 (1), 46-56, 2018
Sex differences in suicide-related symptoms in a large military sample
ML Rogers, FB Ringer, MS Michaels, B Chiurliza, CR Hagan, C Chu, ...
Military behavioral health 5 (1), 73-80, 2017
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Articles 1–20