Sandy Bulmer
Cited by
Cited by
Visual rhetoric and global advertising imagery
S Bulmer, M Buchanan‐Oliver
Journal of Marketing Communications 12 (1), 49-61, 2006
Insights into interpreting integrated marketing communications: A two‐nation qualitative comparison
L Eagle, PJ Kitchen, S Bulmer
European Journal of Marketing 41 (7/8), 956-970, 2007
Exploring the adoption of self-service checkouts and the associated social obligations of shopping practices
S Bulmer, J Elms, S Moore
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 42 (May), 107-116, 2018
The social significance of AI in retail on customer experience and shopping practices
S Moore, S Bulmer, J Elms
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 64, 102755, 2022
Meaningless or meaningful? Interpretation and intentionality in post‐modern communication
S Bulmer, M Buchanan‐Oliver
Journal of Marketing Communications 10 (1), 1-15, 2004
Experiences of brands and national identity
S Bulmer, M Buchanan-Oliver
Australasian Marketing Journal 18 (4), 199-205, 2010
Evidence of IMC in social marketing
J Hawkins, S Bulmer, L Eagle
Journal of Social Marketing 1 (3), 228-239, 2011
Advertising across cultures: Interpretations of visually complex advertising
S Bulmer, M Buchanan-Oliver
Journal of current issues & research in Advertising 28 (1), 57-71, 2006
Exploring the link between obesity and advertising in New Zealand
L Eagle, S Bulmer, A De Bruin, PJ Kitchen
Journal of Marketing Communications 10 (1), 49-67, 2004
Consumer value in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health care services
S Dodds, S Bulmer, A Murphy
Australasian Marketing Journal 22 (3), 218-229, 2014
Incorporating visual methods in longitudinal transformative service research
S Dodds, AJ Bulmer, Sandy: Murphy
Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2018
Uncertainties Associated with the Estimation of Fo Values in Cans Which Heat by Conduction
G Robertson, S Miller
Journal of Food Technology 19 (5), 623-630, 1984
Marketing Communications Implications of Children’s New Electronic Media Use: A Survey of Parental Opinions and Perceptions.
L Eagle, S Bulmer, A de Bruin
Journal of Marketing Communications 9 (3), 129-146, 2003
Sustainability, brand authenticity and Instagram messaging
S Bulmer, N Palakshappa, S Dodds, S Harper
Journal of Business Research 175, 114547, 2024
Complex and controversial causes for the ‘obesity epidemic’: the role of marketing communications
L Eagle, S Bulmer, PJ Kitchen, J Hawkins
Journal of Medical Marketing 4 (3), 271-287, 2004
Children's perceptions of advertising
S Bulmer
Department of Commerce, Massey University at Albany, 2001
How do brands affect national identity?
S Bulmer
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2011
Exploring consumers’ experiences of spiritual value in healthcare services
S Dodds, SL Bulmer, AJ Murphy
Social Responsibility Journal 14 (2), 287-301, 2018
Violence, values, and the electronic media environment
L Eagle, A de Bruin, S Bulmer
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 7 (1), 25-33, 2002
Cause‐related events: fulfilling the objectives of social partnerships
A Lyes, N Palakshappa, S Bulmer
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 21 (4 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20