Edyta T. Sadowska
Edyta T. Sadowska
Instytut Nauk o Środowisku, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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Cited by
Genetic correlations between basal and maximum metabolic rates in a wild rodent: consequences for evolution of endothermy
ET Sadowska, MK Labocha, K Baliga, A Stanisz, AK Wróblewska, ...
Evolution 59 (3), 672-681, 2005
Individual variation and repeatability of basal metabolism in the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus
MK Labocha, ET Sadowska, K Baliga, AK Semer, P Koteja
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Laboratory model of adaptive radiation: a selection experiment in the bank vole
ET Sadowska, K Baliga-Klimczyk, KM Chrząścik, P Koteja
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81 (5), 627-640, 2008
Evolution of basal metabolic rate in bank voles from a multidirectional selection experiment
ET Sadowska, C Stawski, A Rudolf, G Dheyongera, KM Chrząścik, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1806), 20150025, 2015
Is reproduction costly? No increase of oxidative damage in breeding bank voles
Ł Ołdakowski, Ż Piotrowska, KM Chrząścik, ET Sadowska, P Koteja, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (11), 1799-1805, 2012
Genetic correlations in a wild rodent: grass-eaters and fast-growers evolve high basal metabolic rates
ET Sadowska, K Baliga-Klimczyk, MK Labocha, P Koteja
Evolution 63 (6), 1530-1539, 2009
Experimental evolution on a wild mammal species results in modifications of gut microbial communities
KD Kohl, ET Sadowska, AM Rudolf, MD Dearing, P Koteja
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 634, 2016
Increased fat catabolism sustains water balance during fasting in zebra finches
J Rutkowska, ET Sadowska, M Cichoń, U Bauchinger
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (17), 2623-2628, 2016
Genomic response to selection for predatory behavior in a mammalian model of adaptive radiation
M Konczal, P Koteja, P Orlowska-Feuer, J Radwan, ET Sadowska, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (9), 2429-2440, 2016
Initial molecular-level response to artificial selection for increased aerobic metabolism occurs primarily through changes in gene expression
M Konczal, W Babik, J Radwan, ET Sadowska, P Koteja
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (6), 1461-1473, 2015
Limits to sustained energy intake. XXIII. Does heat dissipation capacity limit the energy budget of lactating bank voles?
ET Sadowska, E Król, KM Chrzascik, AM Rudolf, JR Speakman, P Koteja
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (6), 805-815, 2016
Experimental evolution of personality traits: open-field exploration in bank voles from a multidirectional selection experiment
U Maiti, ET Sadowska, KM ChrzĄścik, P Koteja
Current Zoology 65 (4), 375-384, 2019
High oxidative stress despite low energy metabolism and vice versa: Insights through temperature acclimation in an ectotherm
S Bury, M Cichoń, U Bauchinger, ET Sadowska
Journal of thermal biology 78, 36-41, 2018
Metabolic costs of sexual advertisement in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus)
J Radwan, M Chadzińska, M Cichoń, SC Mills, B Matuła, ET Sadowska, ...
Evolutionary Ecology Research 8 (5), 859-869, 2006
The energy savings-oxidative cost trade-off for migratory birds during endurance flight
S McWilliams, B Pierce, A Wittenzellner, L Langlois, S Engel, ...
Elife 9, e60626, 2020
Dietary antioxidants attenuate the endocrine stress response during long-duration flight of a migratory bird
S Casagrande, KJ DeMoranville, L Trost, B Pierce, A Bryła, M Dzialo, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1929), 20200744, 2020
First molecular evidence for Puumala hantavirus in Poland
H Sheikh Ali, S Drewes, ET Sadowska, M Mikowska, MH Groschup, ...
Viruses 6 (1), 340-353, 2014
Reproduction is not costly in terms of oxidative stress
Ł Ołdakowski, A Wasiluk, ET Sadowska, P Koteja, JRE Taylor
Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (24), 3901-3910, 2015
Genetic variation in bank vole populations in natural and metal-contaminated areas
M Mikowska, A Gaura, E Sadowska, P Koteja, R Świergosz-Kowalewska
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 67, 535-546, 2014
Learning ability in bank voles selected for high aerobic metabolism, predatory behaviour and herbivorous capability
KM Chrząścik, ET Sadowska, A Rudolf, P Koteja
Physiology & behavior 135, 143-151, 2014
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Articles 1–20