Çağatay Tavşanoğlu
Cited by
Cited by
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
Turkey’s globally important biodiversity in crisis
ÇH Şekercioğlu, S Anderson, E Akçay, R Bilgin, ÖE Can, G Semiz, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (12), 2752-2769, 2011
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed
F Moreira, D Ascoli, H Safford, MA Adams, JM Moreno, JMC Pereira, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (1), 011001, 2020
Fire‐related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin: Ecological Archives E090‐094
S Paula, M Arianoutsou, D Kazanis, Ç Tavsanoglu, F Lloret, C Buhk, ...
Ecology 90 (5), 1420-1420, 2009
A functional trait database for Mediterranean Basin plants
Ç Tavşanoğlu, JG Pausas
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-18, 2018
Local versus regional intraspecific variability in regeneration traits
B Moreira, Ç Tavsanoglu, JG Pausas
Oecologia 168 (3), 671-677, 2012
Effect of fire-derived chemicals on germination and seedling growth in Mediterranean plant species
ŞS Çatav, K Küçükakyüz, Ç Tavşanoğlu, JG Pausas
Basic and Applied Ecology 30, 65-75, 2018
Germination response of five eastern Mediterranean woody species to smoke solutions derived from various plants
ŞS ÇATAV, I Bekar, BS ATEŞ, G Ergan, F Oymak, ED ÜLKER, ...
Turkish Journal of Botany 36 (5), 480-487, 2012
Smoke-enhanced seed germination in Mediterranean Lamiaceae
ŞS Çatav, K Küçükakyüz, K Akbaş, Ç Tavşanoğlu
Seed Science Research 24, 257-264, 2014
Akdeniz havzasında bitkilerin kuraklık ve yangına uyumları
Ç Tavşanoğlu, B Gürkan
Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 11 (1), 119-132, 2004
Long-term post-fire dynamics of co-occurring woody species in Pinus brutia forests: the role of regeneration mode
Ç Tavşanoğlu, B Gürkan
Plant Ecology 215 (3), 355-365, 2014
Multiple fire-related cues stimulate germination in Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Plantaginaceae), a rare annual in the Mediterranean Basin
Ç Tavşanoğlu, G Ergan, ŞS Çatav, G Zare, K Küçükakyüz, B Özüdoğru
Seed Science Research 27 (1), 26-38, 2017
Assessing changes in global fire regimes
SS Sayedi, BW Abbott, B Vannière, B Leys, D Colombaroli, GG Romera, ...
Fire ecology 20 (1), 1-22, 2024
Ecological niche modelling of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) supports the ‘expansion–contraction’model of Pleistocene biogeography
ED Ülker, Ç Tavşanoğlu, U Perktaş
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 123 (2), 338-347, 2018
Presence of large and medium-sized mammals in a burned pine forest in southwestern Turkey
A Soyumert, C Tavsanoglu, O Macar, BY Kainas, B Gürkan
Hystrix 21 (1), 2010
Seed size explains within-population variability in post-fire germination of Cistus salviifolius
Ç Tavşanoğlu, ŞS Çatav
Annales Botanici Fennici 49 (5), 331-340, 2012
Post-fire regeneration of a Pinus brutia (Pinaceae) forest in Marmaris National Park, Turkey
Ç Tavçanoglu, B Gürkan
International Journal of Botany 5 (1), 107-111, 2009
Fire-related germination and early seedling growth in 21 herbaceous species in Central Anatolian steppe
Ç Tavşanoğlu, ŞS Çatav, B Özüdoğru
Journal of Arid Environments 122, 109-116, 2015
Post-fire dynamics of Cistus spp. in a Pinus brutia forest
Ç Tavşanoğlu, B Gürkan
Turkish Journal of Botany 29 (5), 337-343, 2005
The importance of lagomorphs for the Eurasian lynx in Western Asia: Results from a large scale camera-trapping survey in Turkey
A Soyumert, A Ertürk, Ç Tavşanoğlu
Mammalian Biology 95, 18-25, 2019
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Articles 1–20