Emily S. Finn
Emily S. Finn
Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
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Cited by
Functional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity
ES Finn, X Shen, D Scheinost, MD Rosenberg, J Huang, MM Chun, ...
Nature neuroscience 18 (11), 1664-1671, 2015
A neuromarker of sustained attention from whole-brain functional connectivity
MD Rosenberg, ES Finn, D Scheinost, X Papademetris, X Shen, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (1), 165-171, 2016
Using connectome-based predictive modeling to predict individual behavior from brain connectivity
X Shen, ES Finn, D Scheinost, MD Rosenberg, MM Chun, ...
nature protocols 12 (3), 506-518, 2017
Can brain state be manipulated to emphasize individual differences in functional connectivity?
ES Finn, D Scheinost, DM Finn, X Shen, X Papademetris, RT Constable
NeuroImage 160, 140-151, 2017
Disruption of functional networks in dyslexia: a whole-brain, data-driven analysis of connectivity
ES Finn, X Shen, JM Holahan, D Scheinost, C Lacadie, X Papademetris, ...
Biological psychiatry 76 (5), 397-404, 2014
The (in) stability of functional brain network measures across thresholds
KA Garrison, D Scheinost, ES Finn, X Shen, RT Constable
Neuroimage 118, 651-661, 2015
Idiosynchrony: From shared responses to individual differences during naturalistic neuroimaging
ES Finn, E Glerean, AY Khojandi, D Nielson, PJ Molfese, DA Handwerker, ...
NeuroImage 215, 116828, 2020
Individual differences in functional connectivity during naturalistic viewing conditions
T Vanderwal, J Eilbott, ES Finn, RC Craddock, A Turnbull, FX Castellanos
Neuroimage 157, 521-530, 2017
Movie-watching outperforms rest for functional connectivity-based prediction of behavior
ES Finn, PA Bandettini
NeuroImage 235, 117963, 2021
Is it time to put rest to rest?
ES Finn
Trends in cognitive sciences 25 (12), 1021-1032, 2021
Sex differences in normal age trajectories of functional brain networks
D Scheinost, ES Finn, F Tokoglu, X Shen, X Papademetris, M Hampson, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (4), 1524-1535, 2015
Multisite reliability of MR-based functional connectivity
S Noble, D Scheinost, ES Finn, X Shen, X Papademetris, SC McEwen, ...
Neuroimage 146, 959-970, 2017
Trait paranoia shapes inter-subject synchrony in brain activity during an ambiguous social narrative
ES Finn, PR Corlett, G Chen, PA Bandettini, RT Constable
Nature communications 9 (1), 2043, 2018
Layer-dependent activity in human prefrontal cortex during working memory
ES Finn, L Huber, DC Jangraw, PJ Molfese, PA Bandettini
Nature neuroscience 22 (10), 1687-1695, 2019
Characterizing attention with predictive network models
MD Rosenberg, ES Finn, D Scheinost, RT Constable, MM Chun
Trends in cognitive sciences 21 (4), 290-302, 2017
Functional connectivity predicts changes in attention observed across minutes, days, and months
MD Rosenberg, D Scheinost, AS Greene, EW Avery, YH Kwon, ES Finn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (7), 3797-3807, 2020
Ketamine-induced hallucinations
AR Powers III, MG Gancsos, ES Finn, PT Morgan, PR Corlett
Psychopathology 48 (6), 376-385, 2015
How to establish robust brain–behavior relationships without thousands of individuals
MD Rosenberg, ES Finn
Nature Neuroscience 25 (7), 835-837, 2022
Layer-dependent functional connectivity methods
L Huber, ES Finn, Y Chai, R Goebel, R Stirnberg, T Stöcker, S Marrett, ...
Progress in Neurobiology 207, 101835, 2021
Sub-millimeter fMRI reveals multiple topographical digit representations that form action maps in human motor cortex
L Huber, ES Finn, DA Handwerker, M Bönstrup, DR Glen, S Kashyap, ...
Neuroimage 208, 116463, 2020
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Articles 1–20