Carnal resonance: Affect and online pornography S Paasonen mit Press, 2011 | 666 | 2011 |
Pornification: Sex and sexuality in media culture K Nikunen, S Paasonen, L Saarenmaa Berg, 2007 | 392 | 2007 |
Sukupuoli ja representaatio S Paasonen Käsikirja sukupuoleen, 39-49, 2010 | 257 | 2010 |
Networked affect K Hillis, S Paasonen, M Petit MIT Press, 2015 | 252 | 2015 |
Labors of love: netporn, Web 2.0 and the meanings of amateurism S Paasonen New Media & Society 12 (8), 1297-1312, 2010 | 207 | 2010 |
Revisiting cyberfeminism S Paasonen De Gruyter Mouton 36 (3), 335-352, 2011 | 158 | 2011 |
Networks of transmission: Intensity, sensation, value S Paasonen, K Hillis, M Petit Networked affect, 1-24, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
Figures of fantasy: Internet, women, and cyberdiscourse S Paasonen Peter Lang, 2005 | 126 | 2005 |
Women & everyday uses of the Internet M Consalvo, S Paasonen Agency & Identity. New York ua: Peter Lang, 2002 | 124 | 2002 |
Shameless hags and tolerance whores: Feminist resistance and the affective circuits of online hate J Sundén, S Paasonen Feminist media studies 18 (4), 643-656, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
A midsummer’s bonfire: Affective intensities of online debate S Paasonen Networked affect, 27-42, 2015 | 109 | 2015 |
Dependent, distracted, bored: Affective formations in networked media S Paasonen MIT Press, 2021 | 107 | 2021 |
Working with Affect in Feminist Readings M Liljeström, S Paasonen Disturbing Differences. London & New York: Routledge, 2010 | 98 | 2010 |
Pornification and the Education of Desire S Paasonen, K Nikunen, L Saarenmaa Pornification: Sex and sexuality in media culture, 1-20, 2007 | 98 | 2007 |
Strange bedfellows: Pornography, affect and feminist reading S Paasonen Feminist Theory 8 (1), 43-57, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
The dick pic: Harassment, curation, and desire S Paasonen, B Light, K Jarrett Social Media+ Society 5 (2), 2056305119826126, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
Objectification: On the difference between sex and sexism S Paasonen, F Attwood, A McKee, J Mercer, C Smith Routledge, 2020 | 91 | 2020 |
Fickle focus: Distraction, affect and the production of value in social media S Paasonen First Monday, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
NSFW: Sex, humor, and risk in social media S Paasonen, K Jarrett, B Light Mit Press, 2019 | 89 | 2019 |
Many splendored things: Thinking sex and play S Paasonen Goldsmiths Press, 2018 | 89 | 2018 |