Jerome Reiter
Cited by
Cited by
Multiple imputation for statistical disclosure limitation
TE Raghunathan, JP Reiter, DB Rubin
Journal of official statistics 19 (1), 1, 2003
Multiple imputation for missing data via sequential regression trees
LF Burgette, JP Reiter
American journal of epidemiology 172 (9), 1070-1076, 2010
Using CART to generate partially synthetic public use microdata
JP Reiter
Journal of official statistics 21 (3), 441, 2005
Inference for partially synthetic, public use microdata sets
JP Reiter
Survey Methodology 29 (2), 181-188, 2003
A comparison of two methods of estimating propensity scores after multiple imputation
R Mitra, JP Reiter
Statistical methods in medical research 25 (1), 188-204, 2016
Releasing multiply imputed, synthetic public use microdata: an illustration and empirical study
JP Reiter
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 168 …, 2005
The multiple adaptations of multiple imputation
JP Reiter, TE Raghunathan
Journal of the American Statistical Association 102 (480), 1462-1471, 2007
Maternal prenatal pregnancy-related anxiety and spontaneous preterm birth in Baltimore, Maryland
ST Orr, JP Reiter, DG Blazer, SA James
Psychosomatic medicine 69 (6), 566-570, 2007
A framework for evaluating the utility of data altered to protect confidentiality
AF Karr, CN Kohnen, A Oganian, JP Reiter, AP Sanil
The American Statistician 60 (3), 224-232, 2006
Satisfying disclosure restrictions with synthetic data sets
JP Reiter
Journal of Official Statistics-Stockholm- 18 (4), 531-544, 2002
Global measures of data utility for microdata masked for disclosure limitation
MJ Woo, JP Reiter, A Oganian, AF Karr
Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 1 (1), 2009
The importance of modeling the sampling design in multiple imputation for missing data
JP Reiter, TE Raghunathan, SK Kinney
Survey methodology 32 (2), 143, 2006
Privacy preserving regression modelling via distributed computation
AP Sanil, AF Karr, X Lin, JP Reiter
Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2004
Depressive symptoms and indicators of maternal health status during pregnancy
ST Orr, DG Blazer, SA James, JP Reiter
Journal of women's health 16 (4), 535-542, 2007
Interval estimation for treatment effects using propensity score matching
J Hill, JP Reiter
Statistics in medicine 25 (13), 2230-2256, 2006
An empirical evaluation of easily implemented, nonparametric methods for generating synthetic datasets
J Drechsler, JP Reiter
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (12), 3232-3243, 2011
Towards unrestricted public use business microdata: The synthetic longitudinal business database
SK Kinney, JP Reiter, AP Reznek, J Miranda, RS Jarmin, JM Abowd
International statistical review 79 (3), 362-384, 2011
Estimating risks of identification disclosure in microdata
JP Reiter
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (472), 1103-1112, 2005
Secure regression on distributed databases
AF Karr, X Lin, AP Sanil, JP Reiter
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 14 (2), 263-279, 2005
Nonparametric Bayesian multiple imputation for incomplete categorical variables in large-scale assessment surveys
Y Si, JP Reiter
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 38 (5), 499-521, 2013
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Articles 1–20