Tess Armstrong
Tess Armstrong
Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University
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Cited by
An exploration of how simulated gambling games may promote gambling with money
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne, E Li
Journal of Gambling Studies 34, 1165-1184, 2018
The social cost of gambling to Victoria
M Browne, N Greer, T Armstrong, C Doran, I Kinchin, E Langham, ...
CQUniversity, 2017
Gamble with your head and not your heart: A conceptual model for how thinking-style promotes irrational gambling beliefs
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne
Journal of Gambling Studies 36 (1), 183-206, 2020
Beliefs about gambling mediate the effect of cognitive style on gambling problems
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne, A Blaszczynski
Journal of Gambling Studies 36 (3), 871-886, 2020
The accuracy of subjective measures for assessing fatigue related decrements in multi-stressor environments
BP Smith, M Browne, TA Armstrong, SA Ferguson
Safety science 86, 238-244, 2016
Encouraging gamblers to think critically using generalised analytical priming is ineffective at reducing gambling biases
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne, A Blaszczynski
Journal of Gambling Studies 36 (3), 851-869, 2020
Technology for physical educators, health educators, and coaches: Enhancing instruction, assessment, management, professional development, and advocacy
SE Jenny, JM Krause, T Armstrong
Human Kinetics Publishers, 2020
Rise of the machines: A critical review on the behavioural effects of automating traditional gambling games
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, N Greer, P Donaldson
Journal of gambling studies 33, 735-767, 2017
Distance running and the Elementary-age child
S Jenny, T Armstrong
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 84 (3), 17-25, 2013
Mobile EGM games: Evidence that simulated games encourage real-money gambling
M Rockloff, M Browne, N Greer, T Armstrong, H Thorne
Journal of gambling studies 36, 1253-1265, 2020
Teaching dance for understanding: Reconceptualizing dance in physical education
MG Levenberg, T Armstrong, IL Johnson
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 91 (6), 3-7, 2020
Development and validation of the protective gambling beliefs scale (PGBS)
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne, A Blaszczynski
International Gambling Studies 19 (1), 36-53, 2019
Training gamblers to re-think their gambling choices: How contextual analytical thinking may be useful in promoting safer gambling
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, M Browne, A Blaszczynski
Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (3), 766-784, 2020
Exploring the effectiveness of an'Intelligent Messages Framework'for developing warning messages to reduce gambling intensity
T Armstrong, P Donaldson, E Langham, M Rockloff, M Browne
CQUniversity, 2018
Exploring the changing landscape of gambling in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood
AMT Russell, T Armstrong, M Rockloff, N Greer, N Hing, M Browne
Sydney: NSW Responsible Gambling Fund, 2020
Designing improved safer gambling messages for race and sports betting: What can be learned from other gambling formats and the broader public health literature?
PWS Newall, M Rockloff, N Hing, H Thorne, AMT Russell, M Browne, ...
Journal of Gambling Studies 39 (2), 913-928, 2023
Legacy gambling harms: what happens once the gambling stops?
M Rockloff, T Armstrong, N Hing, M Browne, AMT Russell, M Bellringer, ...
Current Addiction Reports 9 (4), 392-399, 2022
Crimping the Croupier: Electronic and mechanical automation of table, community and novelty games in Australia.
T Armstrong, M Rockloff, P Donaldson
Journal of Gambling Issues, 2016
Innovation in traditional gambling products
M Rockloff, P Donaldson, M Brown, N Geer, N Moskovsky, T Armstrong, ...
Gambling Research Australia, 2016
The effect of sleep restriction and exposure to physical activity on the cognitive ability of volunteer firefighters across a 3-day simulated fire-ground tour
T Christoforou, M Cvirn, S Ferguson, T Armstrong, B Smith
Sleep. Performance and Wellbeing in Adults and Adolescents. Australasian …, 2013
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Articles 1–20