John W. Fleeger
John W. Fleeger
Emeritus Professor of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University
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Indirect effects of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems
JW Fleeger, KR Carman, RM Nisbet
Science of the total environment 317 (1-3), 207-233, 2003
Coastal eutrophication as a driver of salt marsh loss
LA Deegan, DS Johnson, RS Warren, BJ Peterson, JW Fleeger, ...
Nature 490 (7420), 388-392, 2012
Oil Impacts on Coastal Wetlands: Implications for the Mississippi River Delta Ecosystem after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
IA Mendelssohn, GL Andersen, DM Baltz, RH Caffey, KR Carman, ...
BioScience 62 (6), 562-574, 2012
Microhabitat use by marsh-edge fishes in a Louisiana estuary
DM Baltz, C Rakocinski, JW Fleeger
Environmental Biology of Fishes 36, 109-126, 1993
Decoupling of molecular and morphological evolution in deep lineages of a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod
A Rocha-Olivares, JW Fleeger, DW Foltz
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (6), 1088-1102, 2001
Stable isotope indicators of movement and residency for brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) in coastal Louisiana marshscapes
B Fry, DM Baltz, MC Benfield, JW Fleeger, A Gace, HL Haas, ...
Estuaries 26, 82-97, 2003
Response of a benthic food web to hydrocarbon contamination
KR Carman, JW Fleeger, SM Pomarico
Limnology and Oceanography 42 (3), 561-571, 1997
Meiofaunal colonization of azoic estuarine sediment in Louisiana: mechanisms of dispersal
GT Chandler, JW Fleeger
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 69 (2), 175-188, 1983
Correspondence between environmental gradients and the community structure of marsh-edge fishes in a Louisiana estuary
MEP Series
Marine Ecology Progress Series 80, 135-148, 1992
Food, density, and microhabitat: factors affecting growth and recruitment potential of juvenile saltmarsh fishes
DM Baltz, JW Fleeger, CF Rakocinski, JN McCall
Environmental Biology of Fishes 53, 89-103, 1998
Contaminant fluxes from sediment due to tubificid oligochaete bioturbation
DD Reible, V Popov, KT Valsaraj, LJ Thibodeaux, F Lin, M Dikshit, ...
Water Research 30 (3), 704-714, 1996
Susceptibility of salt marshes to nutrient enrichment and predator removal
LA Deegan, JL Bowen, D Drake, JW Fleeger, CT Friedrichs, KA Galván, ...
Ecological Applications 17 (sp5), S42-S63, 2007
Quantitative estimates of the meiofauna from the deep sea off North Carolina, USA
BC Coull, RL Ellison, JW Fleeger, RP Higgins, WD Hope, WD Hummon, ...
Marine Biology 39 (3), 233-240, 1977
Sustained mass culture of Amphiascoides atopus a marine harpacticoid copepod in a recirculating system
B Sun, JW Fleeger
Aquaculture 136 (3-4), 313-321, 1995
The toxicological interaction between ocean acidity and metals in coastal meiobenthic copepods
PY Pascal, JW Fleeger, F Galvez, KR Carman
Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (12), 2201-2208, 2010
Microscale dispersion of meiobenthic copepods in response to food-resource patchiness
AW Decho, JW Fleeger
Journal of experimental marine Biology and Ecology 118 (3), 229-243, 1988
Stable isotope addition reveals dietary importance of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos to saltmarsh infauna
K Galván, JW Fleeger, B Fry
Marine Ecology Progress Series 359, 37-49, 2008
Experimental investigation of the effects of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons on an estuarine sediment food web
KR Carman, JW Fleeger, JC Means, SM Pomarico, DJ McMillin
Marine Environmental Research 40 (3), 289-318, 1995
Response of salt marshes to oiling from the Deepwater Horizon spill: Implications for plant growth, soil surface-erosion, and shoreline stability
Q Lin, IA Mendelssohn, SA Graham, A Hou, JW Fleeger, DR Deis
Science of the Total Environment 557, 369-377, 2016
Meiofauna abundance on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf affected by hypoxia
MC Murrell, JW Fleeger
Continental Shelf Research 9 (12), 1049-1062, 1989
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Articles 1–20