Vincent Verdult
Vincent Verdult
Netherlands Police
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Filtering and system identification: a least squares approach
M Verhaegen, V Verdult
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Subspace identification of multivariable linear parameter-varying systems
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Automatica 38 (5), 805-814, 2002
Nonlinear system identification: a state-space approach
V Verdult
University of Twente, 2002
Kernel methods for subspace identification of multivariable LPV and bilinear systems
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Automatica 41 (9), 1557-1565, 2005
Wiener model identification and predictive control for dual composition control of a distillation column
HHJ Bloemen, CT Chou, TJJ Van den Boom, V Verdult, M Verhaegen, ...
Journal of Process control 11 (6), 601-620, 2001
Subspace identification of piecewise linear systems
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3838-3843, 2004
Identification of composite local linear state-space models using a projected gradient search
V Verdult, L Ljung, M Verhaegen
International Journal of Control 75 (16-17), 1385-1398, 2002
Identification of linear parameter-varying state-space models with application to helicopter rotor dynamics
V Verdult, M Lovera, M Verhaegen
International Journal of Control 77 (13), 1149-1159, 2004
Fault detection and identification for wind turbine systems: a closed-loop analysis
S Donders, V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the ISMA International Conference on Noise and Vibration …, 2004
Identification of multivariable bilinear state space systems based on subspace techniques and separable least squares optimization
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
International Journal of Control 74 (18), 1824-1836, 2001
A switching detection method based on projected subspace classification
J Borges, V Verdult, M Verhaegen, MA Botto
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 344-349, 2005
Fault detection and identification of actuator faults using linear parameter varying models
R Hallouzi, V Verdult, R Babuska, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 119-124, 2005
Filtering and system identification: an introduction to using Matlab software
M Verhaegen, V Verdult, N Bergboer
Delft University of Technology, 2007
An efficient implementation of Maximum Likelihood identification of LTI state-space models by local gradient search
N Bergboer, V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 616-621, 2002
Least squares support vector machines for kernel CCA in nonlinear state-space identification
V Verdult, JAK Suykens, J Boets, I Goethals, B De Moor
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of …, 2004
Identification of fully parameterized linear and nonlinear state-space systems by projected gradient search
V Verdult, N Bergboer, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 737-742, 2003
Change detection in the dynamics with recursive subspace identification
H Oku, G Nijsse, M Verhaegen, V Verdult
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2297-2302, 2001
Identification of multivariable linear parameter-varying systems based on subspace techniques
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1567-1572, 2000
Efficient and systematic identification of MIMO bilinear state space models
V Verdult, M Verhaegan, CT Chou, M Lovera
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1260-1265, 1998
Bilinear state space systems for nonlinear dynamical modelling
V Verdult, M Verhaegen
Theory in Biosciences 119 (1), 1-9, 2000
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