Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic
Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic
Professor of Marketing, University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business Sarajevo
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Business-to-business open innovation: COVID-19 lessons for small and medium-sized enterprises from emerging markets
S Markovic, N Koporcic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, S Kadic-Maglajlic, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, 120883, 2021
Exploring perceived service quality, perceived value, and repurchase intention in higher education using structural equation modelling
J Dlačić, M Arslanagić, S Kadić-Maglajlić, S Marković, S Raspor
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 25 (1-2), 141-157, 2014
Being engaged is a good thing: Understanding sustainable consumption behavior among young adults
S Kadic-Maglajlic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M Micevski, J Dlacic, V Zabkar
Journal of business research 104, 644-654, 2019
Stereotyping global brands: is warmth more important than competence?
Ž Kolbl, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, A Diamantopoulos
Journal of Business Research 104, 614-621, 2019
Do brand warmth and brand competence add value to consumers? A stereotyping perspective
Ž Kolbl, A Diamantopoulos, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, V Zabkar
Journal of Business Research 118, 346-362, 2020
Modeling the role of consumer xenocentrism in impacting preferences for domestic and foreign brands: A mediation analysis
A Diamantopoulos, O Davydova, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic
Journal of Business Research 104, 587-596, 2019
Is perceived value more than value for money in professional business services?
M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, V Zabkar
Industrial Marketing Management 65, 47-58, 2017
On the interplay between consumer dispositions and perceived brand globalness: Alternative theoretical perspectives and empirical assessment
A Diamantopoulos, V Davvetas, F Bartsch, T Mandler, ...
Journal of International Marketing 27 (4), 39-57, 2019
Customer and selling orientations of retail salespeople and the sales manager's ability-to-perceive-emotions: A multi-level approach
S Kadic-Maglajlic, M Micevski, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, N Lee
Journal of Business Research 80, 53-62, 2017
Influence of banks’ corporate reputation on organizational buyers perceived value
V Babić-Hodović, E Mehić, M Arslanagić
Procedia-social and Behavioral sciences 24, 351-360, 2011
Live, Eat, Love: life equilibrium as a driver of organic food purchase
M Husic-Mehmedovic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, S Kadic-Maglajlic, ...
British Food Journal 119 (7), 1410-1422, 2017
Are consumers' minds or hearts guiding country of origin effects? Conditioning roles of need for cognition and need for affect
A Diamantopoulos, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, N Moschik
Journal of Business Research 108, 487-495, 2020
The external effect of marketing accountability in business relationships: Exploring the role of customer perceived value
M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, V Zabkar
Industrial marketing management 46, 83-97, 2015
Innovativeness as a driver of the international expansion of developing markets’ firms: Evidence of curvilinear effects
G Bortoluzzi, S Kadic-Maglajlic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, B Balboni
International Marketing Review 35 (2), 215-235, 2018
Controversial Advert Perceptions in SNS Advertising: The Role of Ethical Judgement and Religious Commitment
S Kadić-Maglajlić, M  Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, M Micevski, N Michaelidou, ...
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-17, 2015
Brothers in blood, yet strangers to global brand purchase: A four-country study of the role of consumer personality
V Zabkar, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, A Diamantopoulos, A Florack
Journal of Business Research 80, 228-235, 2017
Hold me responsible: The role of corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation for client-perceived value
M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, V Zabkar
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 22 (2), 209-219, 2017
Perceived quality and corporate image in mobile services: The role of technical and functional quality
V Babic-Hodovic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, A Imsirpasic
South East European Journal of Economics and Business 12 (1), 114-125, 2017
The power of emotional value: Moderating customer orientation effect in professional business services relationships
M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, S Kadic-Maglajlic, D Miocevic
Industrial Marketing Management 88, 12-21, 2020
Competition from informal firms and product innovation in EU candidate countries: A bounded rationality approach
D Miocevic, M Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, S Kadic-Maglajlic
Technovation 110, 102365, 2022
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