60,000 disaster victims speak: Part I. An empirical review of the empirical literature, 1981—2001 FH Norris, MJ Friedman, PJ Watson, CM Byrne, E Diaz, K Kaniasty Psychiatry 65 (3), 207-239, 2002 | 4218 | 2002 |
Weighing the costs of disaster: Consequences, risks, and resilience in individuals, families, and communities GA Bonanno, CR Brewin, K Kaniasty, AML Greca Psychological science in the public interest 11 (1), 1-49, 2010 | 1719 | 2010 |
Received and perceived social support in times of stress: a test of the social support deterioration deterrence model. FH Norris, K Kaniasty Journal of personality and social psychology 71 (3), 498, 1996 | 1484 | 1996 |
A Test of the Social Support Deterioration Model in the Context of Natural Disaster K Kaniasty, FH Norris Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64 (3), 395-408, 1993 | 883 | 1993 |
Assessing the antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria obtained from animals S Schwarz, P Silley, S Simjee, N Woodford, E van Duijkeren, AP Johnson, ... Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 65 (4), 601-604, 2010 | 756 | 2010 |
Longitudinal linkages between perceived social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms: Sequential roles of social causation and social selection K Kaniasty, FH Norris Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2008 | 619 | 2008 |
In search of altruistic community: Patterns of social support mobilization following Hurricane Hugo K Kaniasty, FH Norris American journal of community psychology 23 (4), 447-477, 1995 | 538 | 1995 |
Stability and change in stress, resources, and psychological distress following natural disaster: Findings from Hurricane Andrew FH Norris, JL Perilla, JK Riad, K Kaniasty, EA Lavizzo Anxiety, Stress & Coping 12 (4), 363-396, 1999 | 395 | 1999 |
Predicting social psychological well-being following trauma: The role of postdisaster social support. K Kaniasty Psychological Trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 4 (1), 22, 2012 | 361 | 2012 |
Psychological distress following criminal victimization in the general population: cross-sectional, longitudinal, and prospective analyses. FH Norris, K Kaniasty Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62 (1), 111, 1994 | 355 | 1994 |
Help‐seeking comfort and receiving social support: The role of ethnicity and context of need K Kaniasty, FH Norris American journal of community psychology 28 (4), 545-581, 2000 | 351 | 2000 |
Social support in the aftermath of disasters, catastrophes, and acts of terrorism: Altruistic, overwhelmed, uncertain, antagonistic, and patriotic communities K Kaniasty, FH Norris Bioterrorism: Psychological and public health interventions 3, 200-229, 2004 | 314 | 2004 |
Social support and victims of crime: Matching event, support, and outcome K Kaniasty, FH Norris American journal of community psychology 20 (2), 211-241, 1992 | 280 | 1992 |
Social support mobilization and deterioration after Mexico’s 1999 flood: Effects of context, gender, and time FH Norris, CK Baker, AD Murphy, K Kaniasty American journal of community psychology 36, 15-28, 2005 | 277 | 2005 |
Placing age differences in cultural context: A comparison of the effects of age on PTSD after disasters in the United States, Mexico, and Poland FH Norris, K Kaniasty, ML Conrad, GL Inman, AD Murphy Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 8, 153-173, 2002 | 262 | 2002 |
Mobilization and deterioration of social support following natural disasters K Kaniasty, FH Norris Current Directions in Psychological Science 4 (3), 94-98, 1995 | 247 | 1995 |
Social support, interpersonal, and community dynamics following disasters caused by natural hazards K Kaniasty Current opinion in psychology 32, 105-109, 2020 | 244 | 2020 |
Distinctions that matter: Received social support, perceived social support, and social embeddedness after disasters K Kaniasty, FH Norris Mental health consequences of disasters, 175-200, 2009 | 223 | 2009 |
Received and Perceived Social Support Following Natural Disaster KZ Kaniasty, FH Norris, SA Murrell Journal of Applied Social Psychology 20 (2), 85-114, 1990 | 212 | 1990 |
Revisiting the experience–behavior hypothesis: The effects of Hurricane Hugo on hazard preparedness and other self-protective acts FH Norris, T Smith, K Kaniasty Basic and Applied Social Psychology 21 (1), 37-47, 1999 | 204 | 1999 |