Grant Covic
Cited by
Cited by
Design considerations for a contactless electric vehicle battery charger
CS Wang, OH Stielau, GA Covic
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 52 (5), 1308-1314, 2005
Development of a single-sided flux magnetic coupler for electric vehicle IPT charging systems
M Budhia, JT Boys, GA Covic, CY Huang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (1), 318-328, 2011
Power transfer capability and bifurcation phenomena of loosely coupled inductive power transfer systems
CS Wang, GA Covic, OH Stielau
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 51 (1), 148-157, 2004
Inductive power transfer
GA Covic, JT Boys
Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (6), 1276-1289, 2013
Modern trends in inductive power transfer for transportation applications
GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected topics in power electronics 1 (1), 28-41, 2013
Design and optimization of circular magnetic structures for lumped inductive power transfer systems
M Budhia, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (11), 3096-3108, 2011
Stability and control of inductively coupled power transfer systems
JT Boys, GA Covic, AW Green
IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications 147 (1), 37-43, 2000
A three-phase inductive power transfer system for roadway-powered vehicles
GA Covic, JT Boys, MLG Kissin, HG Lu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (6), 3370-3378, 2007
A new IPT magnetic coupler for electric vehicle charging systems
M Budhia, G Covic, J Boys
IECON 2010-36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2010
Design of loosely coupled inductive power transfer systems
OH Stielau, GA Covic
PowerCon 2000. 2000 International Conference on Power System Technology …, 2000
A unity-power-factor IPT pickup for high-power applications
NA Keeling, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (2), 744-751, 2009
Development and evaluation of single sided flux couplers for contactless electric vehicle charging
M Budhia, GA Covic, JT Boys, CY Huang
2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 614-621, 2011
Investigation of multiple decoupled coil primary pad topologies in lumped IPT systems for interoperable electric vehicle charging
A Zaheer, H Hao, GA Covic, D Kacprzak
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (4), 1937-1955, 2014
Investigating an LCL load resonant inverter for inductive power transfer applications
CS Wang, GA Covic, OH Stielau
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 19 (4), 995-1002, 2004
A bipolar pad in a 10-kHz 300-W distributed IPT system for AGV applications
A Zaheer, GA Covic, D Kacprzak
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (7), 3288-3301, 2013
Multiphase pickups for large lateral tolerance contactless power-transfer systems
GAJ Elliott, S Raabe, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (5), 1590-1598, 2009
Tripolar pad for inductive power transfer systems for EV charging
S Kim, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (7), 5045-5057, 2016
An Approximate Dynamic Model of LCL- -Based Inductive Power Transfer Power Supplies
H Hao, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 29 (10), 5554-5567, 2013
The design of a contact-less energy transfer system for a people mover system
GA Covic, G Elliott, OH Stielau, RM Green, JT Boys
PowerCon 2000. 2000 International Conference on Power System Technology …, 2000
A parallel topology for inductive power transfer power supplies
H Hao, GA Covic, JT Boys
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (3), 1140-1151, 2013
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Articles 1–20