Neil Lewis, Jr.
Neil Lewis, Jr.
Associate Professor, Cornell University & Weill Cornell Medical College
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Cited by
Cited by
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Use caution when applying behavioural science to policy.
H IJzerman, NA Lewis, AK Przybylski, N Weinstein, L DeBruine, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 4, 1092-1094, 2020
Moving Beyond Implicit Bias Training: Policy Insights for Increasing Organizational Diversity
IN Onyeador, STJ Hudson, NA Lewis Jr
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1), 19-26, 2021
An agenda for open science in communication
T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ...
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021
An identity-based motivation framework for self-regulation
D Oyserman, NA Lewis Jr, VX Yan, O Fisher, SC O'Donnell, E Horowitz
Psychological Inquiry 28 (2-3), 139-147, 2017
Developing and Delivering Effective Anti-Bias Training: Challenges and Recommendations
E Carter, I Onyeador, NA Lewis Jr
Behavioral Science and Policy 6 (1), 57-70, 2020
Seeing the destination AND the path: Using identity‐based motivation to understand and reduce racial disparities in academic achievement
D Oyserman, NA Lewis Jr
Social Issues and Policy Review 11 (1), 159-194, 2017
Power to detect what? Considerations for planning and evaluating sample size
R Giner-Sorolla, AK Montoya, A Reifman, T Carpenter, NA Lewis Jr, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Review 28 (3), 276-301, 2024
Beyond test performance: A broader view of stereotype threat
NA Lewis Jr, D Sekaquaptewa
Current Opinion in Psychology 11, 40-43, 2016
Believing in climate change, but not behaving sustainably: Evidence from a one-year longitudinal study
MP Hall, NA Lewis Jr, PC Ellsworth
Journal of Environmental Psychology 56, 55-62, 2018
The pandemic as a portal: Reimagining psychological science as truly open and inclusive
A Ledgerwood, STJ Hudson, N Lewis Jr, K Maddox, C Pickett, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science,, 2022
Moving beyond social categories by incorporating context in social psychological theory
M Cikara, JE Martinez, NA Lewis Jr
Nature Reviews Psychology 1 (9), 537-549, 2022
Do We Report the Information That Is Necessary to Give Psychology Away? A Scoping Review of the Psychological Intervention Literature 2000-2018.
B Premachandra, NA Lewis Jr
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (1), 226-238, 2022
When does the future begin? Time metrics matter, connecting present and future selves
NA Lewis Jr, D Oyserman
Psychological science 26 (6), 816-825, 2015
Communicating What We Know, and What Isn’t So: Science Communication in Psychology
N Lewis Jr, J Wai
Perspectives on Psychological Science,, 2021
No pain no gain? Social demographic correlates and identity consequences of interpreting experienced difficulty as importance
C Aelenei, NA Lewis Jr, D Oyserman
Contemporary Educational Psychology 48, 43-55, 2017
Integrating qualitative methods and open science: Five principles for more trustworthy research
L Humphreys, NA Lewis Jr, K Sender, AS Won
Journal of Communication 71 (5), 855-874, 2021
What counts as an “environmental” issue? Differences in issue conceptualization by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
H Song, NA Lewis Jr, MT Ballew, M Bravo, J Davydova, HO Gao, R Garcia, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 68, 101404, 2020
What counts as good science? How the battle for methodological legitimacy affects public psychology
NA Lewis Jr
American Psychologist 76 (8), 1323-1333, 2021
Open Communication Science: A Primer on Why and Some Recommendations for How
NA Lewis Jr
Communication Method and Measures 14 (2), 71-82, 2020
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Articles 1–20