Debadi Chakraborty
Debadi Chakraborty
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Viscoelastic flows in simple liquids generated by vibrating nanostructures
M Pelton, D Chakraborty, E Malachosky, P Guyot-Sionnest, JE Sader
Physical Review Letters 111 (24), 244502, 2013
Tuning the acoustic frequency of a gold nanodisk through its adhesion layer
WS Chang, F Wen, D Chakraborty, MN Su, Y Zhang, B Shuang, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7022, 2015
Numerical prediction of flow and heat transfer in a channel in the presence of a built-in circular tube with and without an integral wake splitter
S Tiwari, D Chakraborty, G Biswas, PK Panigrahi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2), 439-453, 2005
Photoinduced electron transfer in the strong coupling regime: waveguide–plasmon polaritons
P Zeng, J Cadusch, D Chakraborty, TA Smith, A Roberts, JE Sader, ...
Nano Letters 16 (4), 2651-2656, 2016
Fluid-structure interaction in deformable microchannels
D Chakraborty, JR Prakash, J Friend, L Yeo
Physics of Fluids 24 (10), 2012
Vibrational coupling in plasmonic molecules
C Yi, PD Dongare, MN Su, W Wang, D Chakraborty, F Wen, WS Chang, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 114 (44), 11621-11626, 2017
Constitutive models for linear compressible viscoelastic flows of simple liquids at nanometer length scales
D Chakraborty, JE Sader
Physics of Fluids 27 (5), 2015
Optomechanics of single aluminum nanodisks
MN Su, PD Dongare, D Chakraborty, Y Zhang, C Yi, F Wen, WS Chang, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2575-2583, 2017
Compressible viscoelastic liquid effects generated by the breathing modes of isolated metal nanowires
K Yu, TA Major, D Chakraborty, MS Devadas, JE Sader, GV Hartland
Nano letters 15 (6), 3964-3970, 2015
Vibration of nanoparticles in viscous fluids
D Chakraborty, E van Leeuwen, M Pelton, JE Sader
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (16), 8536-8544, 2013
Polycrystallinity of lithographically fabricated plasmonic nanostructures dominates their acoustic vibrational damping
C Yi, MN Su, PD Dongare, D Chakraborty, YY Cai, DM Marolf, RN Kress, ...
Nano letters 18 (6), 3494-3501, 2018
Autonomous propulsion of nanorods trapped in an acoustic field
JF Collis, D Chakraborty, JE Sader
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 29-48, 2017
Large-scale parallelization of nanomechanical mass spectrometry with weakly-coupled resonators
S Stassi, G De Laurentis, D Chakraborty, K Bejtka, A Chiodoni, JE Sader, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3647, 2019
On the measurement of relaxation times of acoustic vibrations in metal nanowires
T Devkota, D Chakraborty, K Yu, G Beane, JE Sader, GV Hartland
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (26), 17687-17693, 2018
CFD simulation on influence of superficial gas velocity, column size, sparger arrangement, and taper angle on hydrodynamics of the column flotation cell
D Chakraborty, M Guha, PK Banerjee
Chemical Engineering Communications 196 (9), 1102-1116, 2009
Viscoelastic flow in a two-dimensional collapsible channel
D Chakraborty, M Bajaj, L Yeo, J Friend, M Pasquali, JR Prakash
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 165 (19-20), 1204-1218, 2010
Prediction of coke CSR from coal blend characteristics using various techniques: a comparative evaluation
PS Dash, M Guha, D Chakraborty, PK Banerjee
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 32 (4), 169--192, 2012
When can the elastic properties of simple liquids be probed using high-frequency nanoparticle vibrations?
D Chakraborty, GV Hartland, M Pelton, JE Sader
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (25), 13347-13353, 2017
Viscoelasticity of liquid water investigated using molecular dynamics simulations
TJ O'Sullivan, SK Kannam, D Chakraborty, BD Todd, JE Sader
Physical Review Fluids 4 (12), 123302, 2019
Wrinkling of transversely loaded spinning membranes
M Delapierre, D Chakraborty, JE Sader, S Pellegrino
International Journal of Solids and Structures 139, 163-173, 2018
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Articles 1–20