Bruno Moreira
Bruno Moreira
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
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Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora
B Moreira, J Tormo, E Estrelles, JG Pausas
Annals of Botany 105 (4), 627-635, 2010
To resprout or not to resprout: factors driving intraspecific variability in resprouting
B Moreira, J Tormo, JG Pausas
Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorus
JG Pausas, GA Alessio, B Moreira, G Corcobado
New Phytologist 193 (1), 18-23, 2012
Tanned or burned: The role of fire in shaping physical seed dormancy
B Moreira, JG Pausas
PLoS ONE 7 (12), e51523, 2012
Flammability as a biological concept
JG Pausas, B Moreira
New Phytologist 194 (3), 610-613, 2012
Local versus regional intraspecific variability in regeneration traits
B Moreira, Ç Tavsanoglu, JG Pausas
Oecologia 168 (3), 671-677, 2012
Secondary compounds enhance flammability in a Mediterranean plant
JG Pausas, GA Alessio, B Moreira, JG Segarra-Moragues
Oecologia 180 (1), 103-110, 2016
Towards an integrated approach to wildfire risk assessment: when, where, what and how may the landscapes burn
E Chuvieco, M Yebra, S Martino, K Thonicke, M Gómez-Giménez, ...
Fire 6 (5), 215, 2023
Genetic component of flammability variation in a Mediterranean shrub
B Moreira, MC Castellanos, JG Pausas
Molecular Ecology, 2014
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
BMC biology 23 (1), 35, 2025
Field evidence of smoke-stimulated seedling emergence and establishment in Mediterranean Basin flora
J Tormo, B Moreira, JG Pausas
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2013
Shedding light through the smoke on the germination of Mediterranean Basin flora
B Moreira, JG Pausas
South African Journal of Botany 115, 244-250, 2018
The effect of fire on seed germination of campo rupestre species in the South American Cerrado
AF Fernandes, Y Oki, GW Fernandes, B Moreira
Plant Ecology 222 (1), 45-55, 2021
Fire and summer temperatures interact to shape seed dormancy thresholds
M Zomer, B Moreira, JG Pausas
Annals of Botany 129 (7), 809-816, 2022
The role of fire history, land-use, and vegetation structure on the response of Mediterranean lizards to fire
T Pinto, B Moreira, H Freitas, X Santos
Forest Ecology and Management 419, 139-145, 2018
Interdisciplinary climate change collaborations are essential for early‐career scientists
ES Gornish, JA Hamilton, A Barberán, BM Benito, A Binzer, JE DeMeester, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (16), 151-151, 2013
Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research
M Yebra, G Scortechini, K Adeline, N Aktepe, T Almoustafa, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 332, 2024
Global plant responses to intensified fire regimes
R Grau‐Andrés, B Moreira, JG Pausas
Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (8), e13858, 2024
Rock n'Seeds: A database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation
CA Ordóñez‐Parra, RLC Dayrell, D Negreiros, ACS Andrade, ...
Ecology 104 (1), e3852, 2023
Base de datos de abejas ibéricas
I Bartomeus, JB Lanuza, TJ Wood, L Carvalheiro, FP Molina, MÁ Collado, ...
Ecosistemas 31 (3), 2380-2380, 2022
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Articles 1–20