Asa Frostegard
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Cited by
The use of phospholipid fatty acid analysis to estimate bacterial and fungal biomass in soil.
Å Frostegård, E Bååth
Biology and Fertility of soils 22, 59-65, 1996
Phospholipid fatty acid composition, biomass, and activity of microbial communities from two soil types experimentally exposed to different heavy metals
Å Frostegård, A Tunlid, E Bååth
Applied and environmental microbiology 59 (11), 3605-3617, 1993
Shifts in the structure of soil microbial communities in limed forests as revealed by phospholipid fatty acid analysis
Å Frostegård, E Bååth, A Tunlio
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25 (6), 723-730, 1993
Use and misuse of PLFA measurements in soils
Å Frostegård, A Tunlid, E Bååth
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (8), 1621-1625, 2011
Microbial biomass measured as total lipid phosphate in soils of different organic content
Å Frostegård, A Tunlid, E Bååth
Journal of Microbiological Methods 14 (3), 151-163, 1991
Changes in soil fungal: bacterial biomass ratios following reductions in the intensity of management of an upland grassland
RD Bardgett, PJ Hobbs, Å Frostegård
Biology and Fertility of Soils 22, 261-264, 1996
Quantification of bias related to the extraction of DNA directly from soils
ÅSA Frostegård, S Courtois, V Ramisse, S Clerc, D Bernillon, F Le Gall, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 65 (12), 5409-5420, 1999
Microbial community structure and pH response in relation to soil organic matter quality in wood-ash fertilized, clear-cut or burned coniferous forest soils
E Bååth, Å Frostegård, T Pennanen, H Fritze
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27 (2), 229-240, 1995
Denitrification gene pools, transcription and kinetics of NO, N2O and N2 production as affected by soil pH
B Liu, PT Mørkved, Å Frostegård, LR Bakken
FEMS microbiology ecology 72 (3), 407-417, 2010
Phospholipid fatty acid composition and heavy metal tolerance of soil microbial communities along two heavy metal-polluted gradients in coniferous forests
T Pennanen, ASA Frostegard, H Fritze, E Baath
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62 (2), 420-428, 1996
Effect of metal-rich sludge amendments on the soil microbial community
E Bååth, M Díaz-Raviña, Å Frostegård, CD Campbell
Applied and environmental Microbiology 64 (1), 238-245, 1998
Changes in microbial community structure during long-term incubation in two soils experimentally contaminated with metals
Å Frostegård, A Tunlid, E Bååth
Soil biology and Biochemistry 28 (1), 55-63, 1996
Regulation of denitrification at the cellular level: a clue to the understanding of N2O emissions from soils
LR Bakken, L Bergaust, B Liu, Å Frostegård
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Utilization of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources by ectomycorrhizal fungi in pure culture and in symbiosis with Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.
RD Finlay, Å Frostegård, AM Sonnerfeldt
New Phytologist 120 (1), 105-115, 1992
Denitrification response patterns during the transition to anoxic respiration and posttranscriptional effects of suboptimal pH on nitrogen oxide reductase in Paracoccus …
L Bergaust, Y Mao, LR Bakken, A Frostegård
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (19), 6387-6396, 2010
Soil bacterial biomass, activity, phospholipid fatty acid pattern, and pH tolerance in an area polluted with alkaline dust deposition
E Bååth, Å Frostegård, H Fritze
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58 (12), 4026-4031, 1992
Strains in the genus Thauera exhibit remarkably different denitrification regulatory phenotypes
B Liu, Y Mao, L Bergaust, LR Bakken, Å Frostegård
Environmental microbiology 15 (10), 2816-2828, 2013
Quantification of bacterial subgroups in soil: comparison of DNA extracted directly from soil or from cells previously released by density gradient centrifugation
S Courtois, Å Frostegård, P Göransson, G Depret, P Jeannin, P Simonet
Environmental microbiology 3 (7), 431-439, 2001
Multiple heavy metal tolerance of soil bacterial communities and its measurement by a thymidine incorporation technique
M Díaz-Raviña, E Bååth, Å Frostegård
Applied and environmental microbiology 60 (7), 2238-2247, 1994
Impaired Reduction of N2O to N2 in Acid Soils Is Due to a Posttranscriptional Interference with the Expression of nosZ
B Liu, Å Frostegård, LR Bakken
MBio 5 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 01383-14, 2014
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Articles 1–20