Maximiliano Celmo David Budán
Maximiliano Celmo David Budán
Researcher in Computer Sciences - CONICET
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Cited by
Argument-based mixed recommenders and their application to movie suggestion
CE Briguez, MCD Budan, CAD Deagustini, AG Maguitman, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (14), 6467-6482, 2014
Modeling time and valuation in structured argumentation frameworks
MCD Budán, MG Lucero, C Chesnevar, GR Simari
Information Sciences 290, 22-44, 2015
Proximity semantics for topic-based abstract argumentation
MCD Budán, ML Cobo, DC Martinez, GR Simari
Information Sciences 508, 135-153, 2020
Modelling time and reliability in structured argumentation frameworks
MC Budán, MG Lucero, CI Chesnevar, GR Simari
Thirteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2012
Bipolarity in temporal argumentation frameworks
MCD Budán, ML Cobo, DC Martinez, GR Simari
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 84, 1-22, 2017
Towards an argument-based music recommender system
CE Briguez, MCD Budán, CAD Deagustini, AG Maguitman, ...
Computational Models of Argument, 83-90, 2012
An approach to characterize graded entailment of arguments through a label-based framework
MCD Budán, GI Simari, I Viglizzo, GR Simari
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 82, 242-269, 2017
Guidelines for the analysis and design of argumentation-based recommendation systems
M Leiva, MCD Budán, GI Simari
IEEE Intelligent Systems 35 (5), 28-37, 2020
A labeled argumentation framework
MCD Budán, MG Lucero, I Viglizzo, GR Simari
Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4), 534-553, 2015
An approach to argumentation considering attacks through time
MCD Budán, MG Lucero, CI Chesnevar, GR Simari
Scalable Uncertainty Management: 6th International Conference, SUM 2012 …, 2012
Labeled bipolar argumentation frameworks
MGE Gonzalez, MCD Budán, GI Simari, GR Simari
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 70, 1557-1636, 2021
Introducing analogy in abstract argumentation
PD Budán, MV Martinez, MCD Budán, GR Simari
WL4AI-2015, 25, 2015
Similarity notions in bipolar abstract argumentation
PD Budán, MG Escañuela Gonzalez, MCD Budán, MV Martinez, ...
Argument & Computation 11 (1-2), 103-149, 2020
An AIF-based labeled argumentation framework
MCD Budán, MJG Lucero, GR Simari
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: 8th International …, 2014
Using argument features to improve the argumentation process
MCD Budán, GI Simari, GR Simari
Computational Models of Argument, 151-158, 2016
A labeled abstract bipolar argumentation framework
MCD Budán, I Viglizzo, GR Simari
Advances in Artificial Intelligence--IBERAMIA 2014: 14th Ibero-American …, 2014
An approach to argumentation schemes that appeal to expert opinion
PD Budán, MCD Budán, GR Simari
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial …, 2013
Modeling reliability varying over time through a labeled argumentative framework
MC Budán, MJG Lucero, GR Simari
WL4AI-2013 26, 2013
Strength in coalitions: Community detection through argument similarity
PD Budán, MG Escañuela Gonzalez, MCD Budán, MV Martinez, ...
Argument & Computation 14 (3), 275-325, 2023
Dealing with qualitative and quantitative features in legal domains
MCD Budán, ML Cobo, DC Martínez, A Rotolo
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX, 176, 2018
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Articles 1–20