Dawn Witherspoon
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Cited by
Received ethnic–racial socialization messages and youths’ academic and behavioral outcomes: Examining the mediating role of ethnic identity and self-esteem.
D Hughes, D Witherspoon, D Rivas-Drake, N West-Bey
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 15 (2), 112, 2009
Parental involvement in education during middle school: Perspectives of ethnically diverse parents, teachers, and students
NE Hill, DP Witherspoon, D Bartz
The Journal of Educational Research 111 (1), 12-27, 2018
Parental involvement across middle and high school: Exploring contributions of individual and neighborhood characteristics
S Bhargava, DP Witherspoon
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1702-1719, 2015
Connecting the dots: How connectedness to multiple contexts influences the psychological and academic adjustment of urban youth
D Witherspoon, M Schotland, N Way, D Hughes
Applied Developmental Science 13 (4), 199-216, 2009
Stability and change in rural youths’ educational outcomes through the middle and high school years
D Witherspoon, S Ennett
Journal of youth and adolescence 40, 1077-1090, 2011
Positive youth development among diverse racial–ethnic children: Quality afterschool contexts as developmental assets
EP Smith, DP Witherspoon, D Wayne Osgood
Child development 88 (4), 1063-1078, 2017
Patterns of social connectedness and psychosocial wellbeing among African American and Caribbean Black adolescents
T Rose, A McDonald, T Von Mach, DP Witherspoon, S Lambert
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48 (11), 2271-2291, 2019
Racial identity from adolescence to young adulthood: Does prior neighborhood experience matter?
D Rivas‐Drake, D Witherspoon
Child development 84 (6), 1918-1932, 2013
Introduction to the Special Section of Child Development on Positive Youth Development in Diverse and Global Contexts
PJ Leman, EP Smith, AC Petersen, ...
Child development 88 (4), 1039-1044, 2017
Cultural values and behavior among African American and European American children
EP Smith, DP Witherspoon, S Bhargava, JM Bermudez
Journal of child and family studies 28, 1236-1249, 2019
Racial‐ethnic identity in context: Examining mediation of neighborhood factors on children's academic adjustment
DP Witherspoon, LL Daniels, AE Mason, EP Smith
American journal of community psychology 57 (1-2), 87-101, 2016
Maintaining and attaining educational expectations: A two-cohort longitudinal study of Hispanic youth.
EM May, DP Witherspoon
Developmental psychology 55 (12), 2649, 2019
An examination of social disorganization and pluralistic neighborhood theories with rural mothers and their adolescents
D Witherspoon, S Ennett
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 40, 1243-1253, 2011
Examining socio-cultural and neighborhood factors associated with trajectories of Mexican-origin mothers’ education-related involvement
S Bhargava, MY Bámaca-Colbert, DP Witherspoon, EM Pomerantz, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 46, 1789-1804, 2017
Longitudinal associations of language brokering and parent-adolescent closeness in immigrant Latino families
EM Tilghman-Osborne, M Bámaca-Colbert, D Witherspoon, ...
The Journal of Early Adolescence 36 (3), 319-347, 2016
Early adolescent perceptions of neighborhood: Strengths, structural disadvantage, and relations to outcomes
DP Witherspoon, DL Hughes
The Journal of Early Adolescence 34 (7), 866-895, 2014
Children in diverse social contexts
VMB Murry, NE Hill, D Witherspoon, C Berkel, D Bartz
Handbook of child psychology and developmental science 4, 416-454, 2015
Adolescent development in context: A decade review of neighborhood and activity space research
RMB White, DP Witherspoon, W Wei, C Zhao, MC Pasco, TM Maereg, ...
Journal of Research on Adolescence 31 (4), 944-965, 2021
Neighborhood‐level predictors of African American and Latinx parents' ethnic–racial socialization
DP Witherspoon, C Smalls Glover, W Wei, DL Hughes
American journal of community psychology 69 (1-2), 183-200, 2022
Neighborhood characteristics and expectations of racially discriminatory experiences among African American adolescents
DP Witherspoon, EK Seaton, D Rivas‐Drake
Child Development 87 (5), 1367-1378, 2016
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Articles 1–20