Steve Burt
Steve Burt
Professor of Retail Marketing, University of Stirling
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The strategic role of retail brands in British grocery retailing
S Burt
European Journal of marketing 34 (8), 875-890, 2000
E-commerce and the retail process: a review
S Burt, L Sparks
Journal of Retailing and Consumer services 10 (5), 275-286, 2003
The role of store image in retail internationalisation
S Burt, J Carralero‐Encinas
International Marketing Review 17 (4/5), 433-453, 2000
Brands without boundaries–the internationalisation of the designer retailer’s brand
CM Moore, J Fernie, S Burt
European Journal of Marketing 34 (8), 919-937, 2000
Corporate branding, retailing, and retail internationalization
SL Burt, L Sparks
Corporate reputation review 5, 194-212, 2002
Failure in international retailing: research propositions
S Burt, J Dawson, L Sparks
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 13 (4 …, 2003
Retail internationalization and retail failure: issues from the case of Marks and Spencer
SL Burt, K Mellahi, TP Jackson, L Sparks
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 12 (2 …, 2002
From the retail brand to the retail‐er as a brand: themes and issues in retail branding research
S Burt, K Davies
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 38 (11/12), 865-878, 2010
Power and competition in the UK retail grocery market
SL Burt, L Sparks
British Journal of Management 14 (3), 237-254, 2003
Temporal trends in the internationalization of British retailing
S Burt
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 3 (4 …, 1993
From seafood waste to active seafood packaging: An emerging opportunity of the circular economy
K de la Caba, P Guerrero, TS Trung, M Cruz-Romero, JP Kerry, J Fluhr, ...
Journal of cleaner production 208, 86-98, 2019
The elderly consumer and non‐food purchase behaviour
S Burt, M Gabbott
European Journal of Marketing 29 (2), 43-57, 1995
The international transfer of store brand image
S Burt, A Mavrommatis
Int. Rev. of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 16 (4), 395-413, 2006
Follow my leader? Lookalike retailer brands in non-manufacturer-dominated product markets in the UK
S Burt, S Davis
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 9 (2 …, 1999
Channel power, conflict and conflict resolution in international fashion retailing
CM Moore, G Birtwistle, S Burt
European Journal of Marketing 38 (7), 749-769, 2004
An integrated retailer image and brand equity framework: Re-examining, extending, and restructuring retailer brand equity
J Anselmsson, S Burt, B Tunca
Journal of retailing and consumer services 38, 194-203, 2017
The international divestment activities of European grocery retailers
S Burt, J Dawson, L Sparks
European Management Journal 22 (5), 483-492, 2004
Standardized marketing strategies in retailing? IKEA’s marketing strategies in Sweden, the UK and China
S Burt, U Johansson, Å Thelander
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 18 (3), 183-193, 2011
Retailing in Europe: 20 years on
S Burt
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 20 (1 …, 2010
Categorizing patterns and processes in retail grocery internationalisation
S Burt, K Davies, J Dawson, L Sparks
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 15 (2), 78-92, 2008
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Articles 1–20