Jandir Miguel Hickmann
Jandir Miguel Hickmann
Optics and Materials Group
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Unveiling a Truncated Optical Lattice Associated with a Triangular Aperture<? format?> Using Light’s Orbital Angular Momentum
JM Hickmann, EJS Fonseca, WC Soares, S Chávez-Cerda
Physical review letters 105 (5), 053904, 2010
Superluminal effects and negative group delays in electronics, and their applications
D Solli, RY Chiao, JM Hickmann
Physical Review E 66 (5), 056601, 2002
Fast light, slow light, and phase singularities: a connection to generalized weak values
DR Solli, CF McCormick, RY Chiao, S Popescu, JM Hickmann
Physical review letters 92 (4), 043601, 2004
Fraunhofer diffraction of light with orbital angular momentum by a slit
QS Ferreira, AJ Jesus-Silva, EJS Fonseca, JM Hickmann
Optics letters 36 (16), 3106-3108, 2011
Interference of traveling nondiffracting beams
S Chávez-Cerda, MA Meneses-Nava, JM Hickmann
Optics letters 23 (24), 1871-1873, 1998
A variational approach of nonlinear dissipative pulse propagation
S Chávez Cerda, SB Cavalcanti, JM Hickmann
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 1998
Femtosecond nonlinear optical properties of tellurite glasses
RF Souza, MARC Alencar, JM Hickmann, R Kobayashi, LRP Kassab
Applied physics letters 89 (17), 2006
Photonic crystal polarizers and polarizing beam splitters
DR Solli, CF McCormick, RY Chiao, JM Hickmann
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (12), 9429-9431, 2003
Modulational instability in semiconductor-doped glass fibers with saturable nonlinearity
JM Hickmann, SB Cavalcanti, NM Borges, EA Gouveia, AS Gouveia-Neto
Optics letters 18 (3), 182-184, 1993
Observation of spatial cross-phase modulation effects in a self-defocusing nonlinear medium
JM Hickmann, ASL Gomes, CB de Araújo
Physical review letters 68 (24), 3547, 1992
Experimental observation of interfering Bessel beams
S Chavez-Cerda, E Tepichin, MA Meneses-Nava, G Ramirez, ...
Optics express 3 (13), 524-529, 1998
Synthesis of colloids based on gold nanoparticles dispersed in castor oil
EC Da Silva, MGA Da Silva, SMP Meneghetti, G Machado, M Alencar, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 10, 201-208, 2008
Nonlinear optical properties of Au nanoparticles colloidal system: Local and nonlocal responses
RF Souza, MARC Alencar, EC da Silva, MR Meneghetti, JM Hickmann
Applied Physics Letters 92 (20), 2008
Nonlocal optical nonlinearity of ionic liquids
RF Souza, M Alencar, MR Meneghetti, J Dupont, JM Hickmann
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (15), 155102, 2008
Demonstration of superluminal effects in an absorptionless, nonreflective system
DR Solli, CF McCormick, C Ropers, JJ Morehead, RY Chiao, ...
Physical review letters 91 (14), 143906, 2003
Experimental demonstration of novel effects on the far-field diffraction patterns of a Gaussian beam in a Kerr medium
CM Nascimento, MARC Alencar, S Chávez-Cerda, MGA da Silva, ...
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 8 (11), 947, 2006
Femtosecond dynamics of semiconductor‐doped glasses using a new source of incoherent light
LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, JM Hickmann, CB de Araujo
Applied physics letters 56 (23), 2279-2281, 1990
Self-steepening of optical pulses in dispersive media
JR De Oliveira, MA de Moura, JM Hickmann, ASL Gomes
JOSA B 9 (11), 2025-2027, 1992
Experimental demonstration of photonic crystal waveplates
DR Solli, CF McCormick, RY Chiao, JM Hickmann
Applied physics letters 82 (7), 1036-1038, 2003
Study of the birth of a vortex at Fraunhofer zone
AJ Jesus-Silva, EJS Fonseca, JM Hickmann
Optics letters 37 (21), 4552-4554, 2012
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Articles 1–20