Darius Daunys
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Cited by
Assessment of biopollution in aquatic ecosystems
S Olenin, D Minchin, D Daunys
Marine pollution bulletin 55 (7-9), 379-394, 2007
Recommendations on methods for the detection and control of biological pollution in marine coastal waters
S Olenin, M Elliott, I Bysveen, PF Culverhouse, D Daunys, GBJ Dubelaar, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 62 (12), 2598-2604, 2011
The curonian lagoon
ZR Gasiūnaitė, D Daunys, S Olenin, A Razinkovas
Ecology of Baltic coastal waters, 197-215, 2008
The Baltic Sea scale inventory of benthic faunal communities
M Gogina, H Nygård, M Blomqvist, D Daunys, AB Josefson, J Kotta, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (4), 1196-1213, 2016
Long-term macrozoobenthos changes in a shallow boreal lagoon: comparison of a recent biodiversity inventory with historical data
ML Zettler, D Daunys
Limnologica 37 (2), 170-185, 2007
Vulnerability of benthic habitats to the aquatic invasive species
A Zaiko, S Olenin, D Daunys, T Nalepa
Biological invasions 9, 703-714, 2007
Habitat engineering by the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) in a boreal coastal lagoon: impact on biodiversity
A Zaiko, D Daunys, S Olenin
Helgoland Marine Research 63, 85-94, 2009
Light and shade in marine conservation across European and Contiguous Seas
S Fraschetti, C Pipitone, AD Mazaris, G Rilov, F Badalamenti, ...
Frontiers in marine science 5, 420, 2018
History and Success of an Invasion into the Baltic Sea: The Polychaete Marenzelleria cf. Viridis, Development and Strategies
ML Zettler, D Daunys, J Kotta, A Bick
Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management, 66-75, 2002
Coastal typology based on benthic biotope and community data: the Lithuanian case study
S Olenin, D Daunys
Coastline Reports 4, 65-84, 2004
Impact of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha invasion on the budget of suspended material in a shallow lagoon ecosystem
D Daunys, P Zemlys, S Olenin, A Zaiko, C Ferrarin
Helgoland Marine Research 60, 113-120, 2006
Making water flow: a comparison of the hydrodynamic characteristics of 12 different benthic biological flumes
PR Jonsson, LA Van Duren, M Amielh, R Asmus, RJ Aspden, D Daunys, ...
Aquatic Ecology 40, 409-438, 2006
Europinės svarbos buveinės Lietuvoje: Lietuvoje aptinkamų Europos Sąjungai svarbių buveinių tipų aiškinamasis vadovas
V Rašomavičius, Z Sinkevičienė, A Balsevičius, R Čiuplys, ...
Vilnius: Daigai, 2001
Invasion of the North American Amphipod (Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939) into the Curonian Lagoon, South-Eastern Baltic Sea
D Daunys, ML Zettler
Acta Zoologica Lituanica 16 (1), 20-26, 2006
Drivers of cyanobacterial blooms in a hypertrophic lagoon
M Bartoli, M Zilius, M Bresciani, D Vaiciute, I Vybernaite-Lubiene, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 434, 2018
Overgrowth patterns of the red algae Furcellaria lumbricalis at an exposed Baltic Sea coast: the results of a remote underwater video data analysis
M Bučas, D Daunys, S Olenin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75 (3), 308-316, 2007
Post-glacial geological history of the Lithuanian coastal area
A Damušytė
Assessment of shoreline changes along the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast during the period 1947–2010
I Bagdanavičiūtė, L Kelpšaitė, D Daunys
Baltica 25 (2), 171-184, 2012
Climate-related marine ecosystem change
BACC Author Team baltex@ gkss. de, JW Dippner, I Vuorinen, D Daunys, ...
Assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin, 309-377, 2008
Bemerkenswerte Süßwassermollusken aus Litauen. Aufsammlungen vom September 2004
ML Zettler, A Zettler, D Daunys
Malak. Abh 23, 27-40, 2005
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Articles 1–20